Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

Hi, thanks for that. I have tried to take a pic but they are in a 30L tank on their own and moving pretty fast so it hasnt worked! They are still quite clear and pretty big but some are a little darker, going a dark grey. 4 were found just after the death of the guppy, the others were found 36 hrs later (just as the molly went slimmer) so its anyones guess
If the color is shifting to a light grey a week after they were born, chances are pretty good that they are guppy fry.
Hi, 4 are now a light grey and they were born 9 days ago, the other 8 that i found 7 days ago are still white and are quite chunky! they seem to have different eyes too, more prominent black spot with white edging (very much like molly eyes). I cant stop looking at them ! I really dont mind who they belong to though as long as they are coming on well. Will just be facinating to see how they end up looking !
These fry are now going on for 17 days old and doing great but still no idea what they are :unsure: . There are 2 chubby ones and i can see a fairly large fin appearing on its back. They are still quite white. They have been moved into a larger tank with guppies after close observation on the size of the adult guppies mouths ! They are doing fine and swimming round with the bigger fish. The tank is heavily planted so there are plenty of hiding places. Looking closer at the tank this afternoon I can see that I have new fry (only spotting 3 at the mo ). I know these are guppy fry as there are only guppies in the tank but all the females still look pregnant with dark gravid spots. Any ideas on how I can tell which is the mother? Or is it possible for her to give birth to a few at a time?

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