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  1. M

    Possible Tank Parasites? With Pic!

    omg i just came on here to post about something similar...... just done my weekly/10 day water change (10-20%) and noticed these teeny weeny little bugs (they have legs :blink: ) they were crawling on the slat that the lid rests on so not in the water but did see some loating about at the...
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    Clown Loach

    i have 4 clown loaches in a 5 foot tank and im already looking to invest in a larger tank coz i know if i leave it too long their growth will be stunted. i started with 2 and never saw them and i accuired 2 baby ones and now they all zip around the tank playing and foraging anytime of the day or...
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    Noob With Questions Alert!

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to follow the advice given to you by our more experienced memebers! i really regret not doing a bit more research first..... i now 2 fully cycled well stocked and maintained tanks but i lost a fair few fish on the way due to the often 'dodgey' advice...
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    Feeding Clown Loaches.....

    Thanks i will try that :good: i can see myself becoming a mega clown addict theyre so cool! shame they need so much space or i'd have loads of em!
  5. M

    Feeding Clown Loaches.....

    ok thanks i will try that! they arent as shy as they were when i first got them....they come out now pretty much any time of the day or night but when i approach the tank and open it to feed they hide and dont seem to be 'frenzied feeders' like my other fish!! i'll feed the others flake food...
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    Feeding Clown Loaches.....

    I have two clowns and never/rarely see them feed. They never come to the surface for food like the others which i expected but i cant tell whether they are eating the sinking pellets i put in for them. All my fish will eat the food i offer with the loaches in mind ie frozen blood worm, algae...
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    This Just Takes The Biscuit:(

    it looks to me like s/he's been to a factory outlet store and bought a job lot of cheap and nasty vases from the interior design section! not for fishies me thinks...
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    Snail Creatures

    yeah get rid..... im always careful to pick the empty shells out dont want them rotting away in there! if you find you become over run once you have fish then use a trap (i have mentioned this many times on other threads) i have got rid of most of mine by popping 2 traps in every night and the...
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    do clown loaches eat malaysian trumpet snail adults and/or babies?? i was told by my lfs yes but have read conflicting info on here! sorry for the thread hijack! i use traps for my snails that gets rid of most of them.... i have also cut down feeding and just use traps couple of times a week...
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    as people may have seen from my thread in the tropical discussion i have been really worrying about my clown loaches.... i looked under everything and in the filter (Juwel) to no avail... saw them both a few times early in the morning but only for a few minutes. my boyfriend discovered tonight...
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    New Tank.....

    just got home and the danio has died! it was fine first thing this morning :rip: poor thing hope it was just stress from moving the tank and not something more sinister......
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    New Tank.....

    i keep checking mine to make sure its not pineconing but it is just RREEEAALLY fat :crazy: i have cut down my feeding but as i have only had the tank a week and i dont feed much anyway i can only assume the previous owner overfed! they all fight for food at the surface and its gone in under a...
  13. M

    1st Tropical Tank

    there will be somene here more experienced than me to give advice but tetras should be kept in groups. i have neons in a group of 6, they are shoaling fish and require a shoal!! not sure bout stocking for your tank but someone else will no doubt!!
  14. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    ooh yeah i bought one of those screw things that sink the cucumber to the bottom of the tank today! when they settle in a bit more i'll try it out!
  15. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    hooray they were both out and about at 7am this morning!! :good: i dropped some sinking pellets in and they were darting about chasing the other fish away to eat them they must have been hungry bless! at least i know they're both alive and not trapped anywhere! :blush: ooh i will listen for...
  16. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    thanks for all your replies guys i think im just being impatient and worrying too much! i have black gravel and i think they are just loving being unseen amongst it!! cant wait for them to come out exploring i have bought special food for them!! spoilt are my fish!
  17. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    ive had them 5 days by the way.......
  18. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    well ive taken out all the ornaments and bogwood tonight and re arranged the tank to minimise places where they can get stuck..... all this and i didnt see the clowns at all.... im kinda worried but i never normally see them in the evening normally just the one first thing in the morning. i...
  19. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    well i think they are playing tricks on me, ive seen one again this morning but obvs have no way of knowing if its the same one im seeing! im gonna have a little shift around of the decor coz i think it may have ventured into the cave of a big artificial rock thats in there.... not sure if it...
  20. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    ah thanks i think this is what theyve done... the first few days i had them they seemed content hiding where i could see them now i think they have settled in so to speak!
  21. M

    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    i have two clown loaches that seem to have disappeared.... is it normal for them to hide? i saw one this morning but havent seen either of them since and ive looked in all the usual spots....
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    New Tank.....

    well moved the tank on saturday... managed to save about a third of the water and havent lost any fish so far! so thanks for the advice miss wiggle! apart from finding out the tank is infested with snails which ive mentioned on another thread there have been no other problems. i noticed one of...
  23. M

    Snail Infestation

    the trap was only half full this morning, there werent any on the outside fighting their way in either. i took out the ornaments and cleaned them as well as picking the ones off the gravel which turned out to be dead anyway and now i cant see any. i know there are prob loads more but we shall...
  24. M

    Snail Infestation

    The trap i have is a JBL limcollect im sure if you google it or look on ebay you will find one.... it was £7 and comes with bait and you should also be able to buy a tub of bait tablets so it is a one off payout really coz as you have clown loaches you shouldnt need to use it all the time. only...
  25. M

    Snail Infestation

    i recently aquired a fully established tank which ive now discovered is infested with these snails. i bought 2 traps from my lfs its like a little bubble they can get in but not out and it has bait in the middle... the first two nights they were both full and there were hundreds stuck on the...
  26. M

    New Tank.....

    ooh thanks for the advice i will print that out and take it with me! luckily the bloke in the shop said we can take as long as we want to move it so i have time to plan and make sure i have enough bags boxes etc. it isnt actually a fish store its a house clearance store so he has obviously...
  27. M

    New Tank.....

    Ok, so me and my boyfriend went to a furniture clearance shop where we had seen a tank we wanted to buy..... we paid for it and just as we were about to load it into the car the bloke says to me, 'i dont suppose you fancy taking this instead do you??' he was referring to the massive well...
  28. M

    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    wow very informative! i had thought that the rate they breed would lead to problems in the wild if left unchecked.... i actually assumed that live bearers must just breed more in captivity for some reason.... So whats everyones thoughts on neon tetras and guppies in new tanks? i think i asked...
  29. M

    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    omg i will definately wait until i have a bigger tank then!! or just stick to my quiet little community fish!! ha ha! although they do gobble up their babies :blink: :blink: which terrified me at first! our female guppy gave birth in the bag on the way ome from the shop and by the time we...
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    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    thanks! and i have been reading about fishless cycles on this site and judging by the amount of swearing, testing, water changes and mess i think they must have followed something similar to most people on here! it seems to have worked, despite the initial hiccup with the neons we now have a...
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    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    thats exactly what i was thinking! IMO my tank is fairly small... small enough for starting out im not keen to take on too much so will put my foot down re the shark until we are more experienced and can invest in a bigger tank!
  32. M

    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    my boyfriend and his dad did the fishless cycle.... i had started a new job at the time so had little involvement but i know it took ages! i will ask what they did, i wish i had found this site before i added fish to my aquarium there is such a wealth of knowledge here!!
  33. M

    Minimum Number Of Black Phantoms?

    the book i have says that black phantoms are 'effective' in shoals of 10-15 but IMO that means they look good in shoals of more than 10 space permitting. i have always been told that tetras should always be kept in groups of more than 6 but as anyone will know from reading my other posts i am no...
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    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    my tank has been set up for 9 weeks now and is 57 litres. i have with the fish already mentioned 2 mollies and 2 platties.....
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    Neon Tetras In A New Tank? And A Few Other Dilemmas...

    i have a fairly well established tank and have got into a good routine with testing and water changes etc and my fish seem to be thriving..... however it was a different story when i first started out! i set my tank up and did a fishless cycle and was advised by the shop where i bought the tank...
  36. M

    Filter Question....

    wow thanks for the quick replies! the filter is new and i never noticed any noise with the old one.... the new one is much better though so i wont switch back. i think i will buy an airstone and if its noisy just switch it off at night.... thanks again guys im sure this wont be my only...
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    Filter Question....

    i have been lurking as a guest and finally decided to take the plunge and become a member! i have been reading lots of stuff on here and clearly there are a lot of professional fish keepers!! :hyper: i have a question re filters..... is it necessary to use the attachment that draws air in? i...