Feeding Clown Loaches.....


New Member
Feb 3, 2009
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I have two clowns and never/rarely see them feed. They never come to the surface for food like the others which i expected but i cant tell whether they are eating the sinking pellets i put in for them. All my fish will eat the food i offer with the loaches in mind ie frozen blood worm, algae wafers etc but i havent actually seen the clowns eat any..... i feed in the evening when i see the loaches out and about but they ignore the food, the other fish will immediately set about hoovering up the stuff that sinks and its all gone the next morning do you think they are getting a look in? i have lots of snails in my tank which i think they are devouring coz i always see them foraging in the gravel and am forever picking out the empty shells... :rolleyes:
clown loaches are nocturnal and naturally feed after dark. They will feed during the day if there is plenty of cover (plants, wood, etc). But often it takes them some time to settle in and get use to the feeding schedule.
Try putting a bit of food in the tank at night about 30minutes after you turn the lights out. Then watch the tank and see if they come out and eat anything.
ok thanks i will try that! they arent as shy as they were when i first got them....they come out now pretty much any time of the day or night but when i approach the tank and open it to feed they hide and dont seem to be 'frenzied feeders' like my other fish!! i'll feed the others flake food before i turn the light off then add bloodworm 30mins later sound like a plan??
just feed the other fish like you normally do, not before you turn the lights out. Then feed the loaches about 30minutes after light sout. This should give the other fish time to go to sleep and the loaches should get all the food.
Thanks i will try that :good: i can see myself becoming a mega clown addict theyre so cool! shame they need so much space or i'd have loads of em!

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