Ahem... Where Did They Go?


New Member
Feb 3, 2009
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i have two clown loaches that seem to have disappeared.... is it normal for them to hide? i saw one this morning but havent seen either of them since and ive looked in all the usual spots....
I'm always careful with our clowns, the display tank for them has bogwood in it and they are swines for squeezing into the smallest holes and hiding, they always look stuck but they never are but i suppose one day they might, have a good look around and under things as well. We've also had clowns that bury themselves in the past.
ah thanks i think this is what theyve done... the first few days i had them they seemed content hiding where i could see them now i think they have settled in so to speak!
i've never had clowns burry them selves, but i have had one get stuck exploring a crack in some bog wood lol, im sure they'll turn up
Yeah, my clowns loved to hide...

I used to have a castle type thing in their tank, which they lived in pretty much permanently. I ended up having to take the castle out when they outgrew it, they were starting to scratch themselves getting in and out!

Now they have a couple of bits of bogwood to hide under, which they like just fine. Considering they're six inches long and orange/black striped, they can still pull a pretty effective disappearing trick!

How long have you had the clowns for? If they're new, they'll go to ground pretty effectively, then come out when they're good and ready (Or when they're hungry :rolleyes: ). So I wouldn't worry, they'll turn up! :good:
My two used to sleep on top of each other - hanging over the suction cap of the thermometer LOL - ok not exactly hidden from view but very very weird all the same!

They did use to hide at the back of the filter though (between filter and tank glass) - no idea how they managed to squeeze behind it!

i've heard quite a few stories about them hiding and getting stuck places so might be worth having a bit of a hunt around, moving some decor etc, just make sure they aren't trapped somewhere.
well i think they are playing tricks on me, ive seen one again this morning but obvs have no way of knowing if its the same one im seeing! im gonna have a little shift around of the decor coz i think it may have ventured into the cave of a big artificial rock thats in there.... not sure if it may be stuck! ive tried to fence off the heater to prevent the fish burning themselves on it but the other clown is using it to wedge itself against said heater :crazy:
well ive taken out all the ornaments and bogwood tonight and re arranged the tank to minimise places where they can get stuck..... all this and i didnt see the clowns at all.... im kinda worried but i never normally see them in the evening normally just the one first thing in the morning. i would expect to see them with all the movement of stuff but they must be hiding in the gravel... i even looked in the filter! i know it sounds awful but if one has died i would like to remove it so that it doesnt pollute my tank. anybody have any suggestions? when should i start panicking!!??
hi there, Clown loach like to feel safe having places to hide eg caves, bog wood anything like that. As they are new they will be settling in and very shy!Dont worry once they feel settled they shall come out to explore more and more. Mine disapeared for a couple of weeks when I first got them have no idea how they did it! Hang on in there, stay quietly beside your tank and you may spot them! Great wee characters :good:
thanks for all your replies guys i think im just being impatient and worrying too much! i have black gravel and i think they are just loving being unseen amongst it!! cant wait for them to come out exploring i have bought special food for them!! spoilt are my fish!
no probs :) just wait til you hear the clicking noise they make, mostly when eating sounds bit like the tank breaking! but dont worry its just happy sounds lol
hooray they were both out and about at 7am this morning!! :good: i dropped some sinking pellets in and they were darting about chasing the other fish away to eat them they must have been hungry bless! at least i know they're both alive and not trapped anywhere! :blush: ooh i will listen for the clicking didnt hear it this morning!
hooray they were both out and about at 7am this morning!! :good: i dropped some sinking pellets in and they were darting about chasing the other fish away to eat them they must have been hungry bless! at least i know they're both alive and not trapped anywhere! :blush: ooh i will listen for the clicking didnt hear it this morning!

Mine like dissapearing under a large rock I have in the tank. Don't worry they will settle in.

They also love cucumber! I have one of the suction things on the side of the tank that has a clip on it to hold a piece of cucmber. The clowns destroy it!

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