Clown Loach


New Member
Feb 20, 2009
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hi there,

My tank has been setup over a year already, but the problem i am having is that my two clown loaches never come out. they keep hiding and only seem to come out twice a week to eat. is this normal? they have grown a lot in a year, but they never seem to swim around the tank, my ghost knife is much more active than they are. Are clown loaches generally shy fish? are they maybe intimidated by other fish? they share a common area in the tank with my ghost knife.

livestock in my tank:
  • 2 clown loaches,
  • 1 ghost knife,
  • 2 bala sharks,
  • 2 bronze cory cats,
  • 1 high fin pleco,
  • 2 bolivian ram/ butterfly cichlids.

Please advise.
Tank size?

Bala and Clown Loach need to be kept in groups of 6+ to really see there personality and stress them less. Also to keep just one group of either or you looking at 100 gallons.
Hi Taariq :)

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

I am going to move your thread over to the Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids section. The members who post there will be able to advise you.
Hi Taariq :)

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

I am going to move your thread over to the Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids section. The members who post there will be able to advise you.

thanks for the welcome and for the move to the right section, i have a 34 gallon tank. Its a Tropiquarium 88. i added the bala sharks last week, they are very small (4cm) where as the clown loaches are about 10-13cm in length.
Welcome! :) Nice to see more members here and there.
And, you do realize your tank is overstocked. Just a BGK grows huge, and can kill fish.
As mwood has said, clown loaches/ balas = 100 gallons + a group.
;/ maybe you should return 'em?
livestock in my tank:
  • 2 clown loaches,
  • 1 ghost knife,
  • 2 bala sharks,
  • 2 bronze cory cats,
  • 1 high fin pleco,
  • 2 bolivian ram/ butterfly cichlids.

:oh: Tankbuster alert! :oh:

Clown Loaches - Can reach 12"+, with 8" being pretty normal
Ghost Knife - 20" and predatory
Bala Sharks - 12" and skiddish, they like to crash into the sides of small tanks
Pleco - Expect 12-20"

For those, you're looking at a 6+ foot tank IMO. This is especially true when you consider that you should have groups of balas and clown loaches.
Well, I'm afraid the others have already pointed out the biggest problem you have.

Clown Loaches are a sociable fish and like to be in groups - the larger the group the more active they are - appearing a food time is not uncommon when they are in very small groups. It is likely that they will be more apparent as they grow though.
i have 4 clown loaches in a 5 foot tank and im already looking to invest in a larger tank coz i know if i leave it too long their growth will be stunted. i started with 2 and never saw them and i accuired 2 baby ones and now they all zip around the tank playing and foraging anytime of the day or night! they are truly amazing if you can get a big enough tank for them they are rewarding to keep i love em!

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