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  1. D

    Conjoined Guppy?

    O goodness.... Yes that is just how it looks apart from the bubble underneath! I have been trying to get a pic but too small and fast at moment. Thankyou for showing the pic. Because it is so small it was hard to tell if it was a fish (I did not know it was possible but if it is in mammels...
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    Conjoined Guppy?

    Will try again but so difficult with so many tiddlers in a large just does not want to pose. So it has been known??? I thought I was going daft thinking it was another attached. Do they managed to survive like this?
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    Conjoined Guppy?

    Hi Everyone I have some approx 6 week old guppy fry. One of them seems to have another fry joined onto it underneath. Have noticed it since birth and for the first day thought it was maybe the egg yolk. As the weeks have gone on this now definatly looks like its a conjoined fish. The guppy...
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    Oscar Help Needed & Asap

    ................... And you still keep adding unsuitable fish to an overstocked tank with many many problems? Good god man what is up with you. Has none of the advice from these good people sunk into that little brain of yours??? :angry:
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    Help Needed Please...

    I just want to say a BIG thankyou to everyone who advised on treating my Pleco with his mysterious brown spots especially Wilder, you were absolutly brilliant. He is now back to normal and all the other fish (apart from the Red Tailed Shark that unfortunatly swam over the rainbow bridge)...
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    What Bottom Feeder?

    OOPS..... sorry it would help if I put which ones :blush: They are ACF's
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    What Bottom Feeder?

    Hi Everyone, Today is the usual water change day for all my tanks and as usual the frogs tank needs a good gravel clean. I was wondering if there is a suitable bottom feeder that I could safely put in with them to assist clearing up the left over food. There are 3 of them probably 3"-4" max...
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    Help Needed Please...

    mmmmm....doesn't say one way or another...
  9. D

    Help Needed Please...

    O NO!!!.... I have just turned the light on (the tanks been in total darkness to try and aid) to give them a feed and the Red Tailed Shark is laying on his side!!! There is no sign of any spots white or brown but he is obviously really troubled. I can only think it is to do with the meds so...
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    Oscar Help Needed & Asap

    Surely you would want to do anything to help him.. He is clearly stressed even to my untrained eye. Taking 15 mins out of you day to try and help this fella as you have been kindly advised is the least he deserves. I know from the 2 that I have that Oscars are very moody and can lay it on, mine...
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    Help Needed Please...

    Thankyou Wilder, Think he is going to need it. Still no improvement today. The only thing I can think of is that added a few shrimps for the angels the other day and that they were carrying something?? Just a thought been racking my little brain to think of how it could have started. Been...
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    Help Needed Please...

    Will keep tank in darkness for few days...Fingers crossed. All the other fish Wilder are absolutley fine and no other fish or plants have been added. There was a snail problem in there months ago but was advised to get a Botia and since then absolutly nothing. Thanks to everyone who has...
  13. D

    Help Needed Please...

    I have just been looking up about velvet and it says a "dusting of gold" as Wilder kindly advised and yes Colin these are definatly much bigger brown spots than are described although I cant find any pics to compare. He was bought as an albino common pleco and is about 4" long. This is...
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    Help Needed Please...

    Thanks for your advice Wilder. Right... temp has now been raised to 30 it was 25 Aeration increased. I dosed the tank yesterday with Contraspot which contains foraldehyde, malachite, unfortunatly I did use the recommended dose but doesn't seem to have had a detromental effect on the plecos. I...
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    Help Needed Please...

    No they were just in their cave. They are pretty aloof when the lights are on. As soon as I get a can get a pic of the healthy one I will post it ( I should have thought of that I just panicked when I saw him!!) So camera is on stand by. Thankyou for your advice I sincerely appreciate it
  16. D

    Help Needed Please...

    Thankyou. I did post it in there too last night (mmmm.. not sure if I was meant to put it in both) and no-one has come up with any suggestions. I am beginning to get so concerned now especially as he in a 4ft tank with other fish although nothing is showing any signs of anything at the...
  17. D

    Help Needed Please...

    Please please can anyone give any ideas to what these brown spots can be? I am so worried and don't want to lose him. Today he is still covered from nose to tail top and underneath. He is still eating and active. Any advice doesn't matter how small will be really appreciated. Thanks everyone
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    Help Needed Please...

    Hi, They are light brown. He has them everywhere now.
  19. D

    Help Needed Please...

    Not sure if I should have put this in the emergency section or the Pleco one but please can anyone advise....... In my 4ft tank I have 2 plecos both roughly the same size. Had not seen one of them for a couple of days (lots of caves and plants) so this is not too unusual but after 2 days I got...
  20. D

    Help Needed Please...

    Not sure if I should have put this in the emergency section or this one but please can anyone advise....... In my 4ft tank I have 2 plecos both roughly the same size. Had not seen one of them for a couple of days (lots of caves and plants) so this is not too unusual but after 2 days I got a...
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    Gonapodium To Fancy To Mate!?

    Yes Laura 100% agree with you. He is beautiful and thats why I bought him thinking in my naivity that I would get some smashing babies. When the pineapple wasnt producing I spent a long time looking round for a large healthy well coloured female and bought her and still I didn't click on that...
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    Gonapodium To Fancy To Mate!?

    I have always thought ( presumed) "he" was a male!! and looking at him now I still think he is but being quite a novice maybe I'm wrong!. As I said "he" has always been in the tank with a pineapple female and more recently with a large orange female. Maybe I have 3 females haha. I know the...
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    Gonapodium To Fancy To Mate!?

    Thanks to everyone who answered...Very interesting answers Suppose I should have realised this earlier on. One of the reasons I bought him and kept him as the only male was to breed him with the two females because I thought the off-spring may inherit some of his beautiful long fins...
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    Gonapodium To Fancy To Mate!?

    Hi Everyone, Maybe a bit of a strange one but I have had the male Sword for nearly a year now. He is in a 4ft community tank where others breed prolifically. He was initially with a pineapple female sword who dropped a batch of fry soon after getting her. He goes through all the typical...
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    African Clawed Frog Advice Please...

    Thankyou so much for the advice Frogluver. One of the frogs "Nelson" died after a couple of days, "Willie" is fine but as you can see from the other post I posted I am having real trouble finding a staple food for him and getting him to eat it. Earthworms and bloodworms were all that he would...
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    Adf Will Not Eat....please Help!

    Thankyou, Yes I will try them. Have finally found he will eat an earthworm if you dangle it in front of him. I am trying to get another "Nelson" for a mate for him but all my LFS do not stock ADF's, then hopefully maybe he will catch on and try different foods with another one. Just want...
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    Adf Will Not Eat....please Help!

    Oops....Ere no sorry!!!! Thick as in stupid I meant Sorry if I offended I just read back through to see if anymore blunders and I also meant African Clawed not Dwarf.. Sorry was really tired after long day!!!
  28. D

    Adf Will Not Eat....please Help!

    Hi Everyone. Please can anyone help. I acquired 2 ADF's about 3 weeks ago after months of re-arranging kitchen and getting tank ready to house them. After 2-3 days 1 of them hopped over the "Rainbow Bridge" to frog heaven so Willy is now frog alone. But I just cannot get him to eat anything...
  29. D

    Please Can You Identify For Me

    Goodness what an amazing story. Yes they certainly are beautiful. I have never seen one before. At the moment he is following the Striata around, they seem to be ok together, mind you they are in a 4ft with loads of caves. The more I see the different Botias the deeper the interest gets...
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    Please Can You Identify For Me

    Thanks Davo, That was quick. Now I can look up and see if I have been given a monster!!
  31. D

    Please Can You Identify For Me

    Hope the pic is clear enough as he kept disappearing!!! The pic does not do him justice he is beautiful with fantastic markings Thanks everyone
  32. D

    Have I Jumped The Gun?.....

    Thanks no soup, I thought so but was beginning to doubt myself!!! Needed those new pair of eyes to have an opinion. Been in net now 36 hours so think I will let her out.....You just know whats going to happen don't you!! haha
  33. D

    Have I Jumped The Gun?.....

    Still no fry this morning. I have never used a net before as I do usually transfer the pregnant female into the fry tank just before i think they are going to drop and so far have been lucky that none of the babies have been touched. But because she is such a large female i thought she may...
  34. D

    Have I Jumped The Gun?.....

    Good evening everyone, My large swordtail seems to have been pregnant for ages!!! I bought her about 6 weeks ago and she looked pretty well gravid then. Last evening I thought it was about time I put her into the net and was hopeful that by today she would have dropped her fry. But no...
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    African Clawed Frog Advice Please...

    OOPS............. ..............Just read back.. What I meant to say was that they will not eat the pellets!!!! Sorry
  36. D

    African Clawed Frog Advice Please...

    Hi Everyone Have just acquired 2 albino African clawed frogs. They are absolutly gorgeous as you can see from the pics. I would like some advice on the best food for them. They love the blood worm and shovel it in using their hands which is so fascinating to watch. I read about Reptomin but...
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    Thanks For Identification But Now Have New Problem!

    Sitting here tonight i'm now seeing the Skunk chasing the bristlenose pleco so am thinking it could be him? Would he be ok in with the Kribs and barbs? Maybe I should move him but leave the Stratia in with the guppies etc? Does anyone have any thoughts or advice on this please?
  38. D

    Thanks For Identification But Now Have New Problem!

    Morning Everyone. Posted a while ago about snail problem in my 4ft community tank and you all kindly advised to get a Botia. Got two on Wednesday ...a skunk and an unknown that you advised was a Striata. They are both about 1 1/2 inch long and beautiful. Gradually over the past few days the...
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    Botia Identification Please...

    Hi Everyone Went to LFS today to buy a clown loach to help keep snails down in my 4ft community tank. They didn't have any so got a Skank Botia. In the tank next to it was another Botia that no-one in shop could tell me what it was. As it was on its own they let me have it for a couple of...