Adf Will Not Eat....please Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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Hi Everyone.

Please can anyone help.

I acquired 2 ADF's about 3 weeks ago after months of re-arranging kitchen and getting tank ready to house them.

After 2-3 days 1 of them hopped over the "Rainbow Bridge" to frog heaven so Willy is now frog alone.

But I just cannot get him to eat anything but bloodworm!!!

Heres what I have tried....

Frozen bloodworm..loves it.
Flake food( because I got desperate)...spat it out
Dried Tubifex....That just stays floating until I fish it out the next day.
Sinking pellets made with krill and shrimp....lays on stones for 24 hours till I fish it out
Terrapin food....All just floats on top till it looks rank.
Live shrimp....They just stood on him, then he took refuge on top of the plants out of the way!!! They were then fed to the Oscars.

I'm at my wits end..really worried about him. I know he is not poorly because if I put the bloodworm in he eats it ravously. I have tried to feed him the terrapin food by hand and he does take the dried shrimp then but not if its floating in the tank. Tried the dried mealworm and the pellets from the terrapin food by hand too but no he does not want to know.

I have read you cannot just feed them the bloodworm so can anyone advise please.

Have I got a very thick Willy?!! or just a very picky one?!!

Help please
Have I got a very thick Willy?!!

Was that intentional?
Oops....Ere no sorry!!!!

Thick as in stupid I meant

Sorry if I offended

Have I got a very thick Willy?!!

Was that intentional?
Oops....Ere no sorry!!!!

Thick as in stupid I meant

Sorry if I offended
I just read back through to see if anymore blunders and I also meant African Clawed not Dwarf..

Sorry was really tired after long day!!!
So long as he's eating something, I would be inclined not to worry too much, have you tried feeding some frozen shrimp in with the bloodworm? My ADF's wouldnt eat anything but bloodworm to start with, but one day I mixed the shrimp with the bloodworm and they inadvertantly ate some when they lunged for the bloodworm, discovered they liked it and have since happily taken it too.

Yes I will try them.

Have finally found he will eat an earthworm if you dangle it in front of him.

I am trying to get another "Nelson" for a mate for him but all my LFS do not stock ADF's, then hopefully maybe he will catch on and try different foods with another one.

Just want him to have a staple diet. Amazing how attached you get to them even after a few weeks :wub:

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