Help Needed Please...


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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Not sure if I should have put this in the emergency section or this one but please can anyone advise.......

In my 4ft tank I have 2 plecos both roughly the same size. Had not seen one of them for a couple of days (lots of caves and plants) so this is not too unusual but after 2 days I got a bit concerned so hunted him out and OMG look at the state of him!!!

What has he caught? I have put in Contraspot but am so worried about him. As you can see he looks awful.

The other pleco is fine.

Please can someone help :hyper:

Please please can anyone give any ideas to what these brown spots can be?

I am so worried and don't want to lose him.

Today he is still covered from nose to tail top and underneath. He is still eating and active.

Any advice doesn't matter how small will be really appreciated.

Thanks everyone
Sorry I have no idea but this needs to be moved to the Emergency section...mods could you please move this!

I have PM'd a mod to move it for you.
Sorry I have no idea but this needs to be moved to the Emergency section...mods could you please move this!

I have PM'd a mod to move it for you.


I did post it in there too last night (mmmm.. not sure if I was meant to put it in both) and no-one has come up with any suggestions. I am beginning to get so concerned now especially as he in a 4ft tank with other fish although nothing is showing any signs of anything at the moment.

Its a real mystery to me. I am quite new to fish keeping but my parents always had many tanks and i'm fully aware of white spot but these are light brown but hopefully to a trained eye someone can point me in the right direction for treatment.

As I said yesterday I treated the tank with Contraspot and the only other treatment I have here is the aqua plus herbal stress coat but obviously do not want to go and buy anything else to treat until I know what precisely it is so as not to keep putting chemicals in unneccessarly.
Was he trapped somewhere as you said you had to find him? The dots look nobbly, I am not sure what it is though, maybe posting a pic of the healthy one if he looks how the other should so people can compare as there may be more to it than just the dots.
Was he trapped somewhere as you said you had to find him? The dots look nobbly, I am not sure what it is though, maybe posting a pic of the healthy one if he looks how the other should so people can compare as there may be more to it than just the dots.

No they were just in their cave. They are pretty aloof when the lights are on.

As soon as I get a can get a pic of the healthy one I will post it ( I should have thought of that I just panicked when I saw him!!) So camera is on stand by.

Thankyou for your advice I sincerely appreciate it
what kind of plec is it?

a pic form the side would help too...
She had two threads running and now she treating for velvet.

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