Oscar Help Needed & Asap


Fish Herder
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Co.Down Ireland
hi!, my oscar has been really aggresive to my other fish in my signature and will eat my other fish such as the eels and black ghost knife since they r really small

so i put him in a bag and let some freshwater in and out like every 4 hours

he looked sick and was gasping for air so i took him out and put him in the tank and now hes just breathing really slow and not moving i tested some food and he fefused to eat it so i just let him be

what will i do!!
Putting him in a bag for that length of time was not the best move even changing water.

You have to decide what fish you wish to keep as ts an agression issue.

Also whats you tank size/ water stats
gee wizz why a bag?

hes poss suffering ammonia posioning.. or stress or sulking

you need to call your LFS and rehome him today, failing that a huge box/bucket with a filter running and if you havent got a filter do regular water changes, maybe 20% every 3 hours, slowly matching the temp as close as you can, poor boy must be really stressed, have yu got a pic, hows his breathing now?
Putting him in a bag for that length of time was not the best move even changing water.

You have to decide what fish you wish to keep as ts an agression issue.

Also whats you tank size/ water stats

look at my signature below! ph 7.1ish clean water

gee wizz why a bag?

hes poss suffering ammonia posioning.. or stress or sulking

you need to call your LFS and rehome him today, failing that a huge box/bucket with a filter running and if you havent got a filter do regular water changes, maybe 20% every 3 hours, slowly matching the temp as close as you can, poor boy must be really stressed, have yu got a pic, hows his breathing now?

I rang all my lfs like 6 of em and they said he was a too aggresive species so they all refused to take him ill add a pic in a min or 2
how long have you had him as i cant see him in the sig...what size is he

if you want help not everyone has time to go looking thru profiles and sigs, put the info in the thread so that its easy to access :)

some of then are as daft as brushes :/ they just eat what will fit.. ok show us the pics
Ph is fine

you say water is clean do you have test results for


I would say being in the bag has either given him slight ammonia/nitrite poisoning and he could alsoo be sulking.
Ph is fine

you say water is clean do you have test results for


I would say being in the bag has either given him slight ammonia/nitrite poisoning and he could alsoo be sulking.

not at the moment soz!!

how long have you had him as i cant see him in the sig...what size is he

if you want help not everyone has time to go looking thru profiles and sigs, put the info in the thread so that its easy to access :)

some of then are as daft as brushes :/ they just eat what will fit.. ok show us the pics


Ph is fine

you say water is clean do you have test results for


I would say being in the bag has either given him slight ammonia/nitrite poisoning and he could alsoo be sulking.

not at the moment soz!!

how long have you had him as i cant see him in the sig...what size is he

if you want help not everyone has time to go looking thru profiles and sigs, put the info in the thread so that its easy to access :)

some of then are as daft as brushes :/ they just eat what will fit.. ok show us the pics


notice how hes gasping for air and he also hasnt moved in like 10mins
i know your prob getting a bit stressed urself, but.. if all those fish were in the 240L theres going to be high ammonia, its way to small for an oscar let alone all the other fish you have in there, you need to do a 50% water right now, they are very messy fish , turn the tank lights off if they are on ( less stressfull)

tel us what filter you have on the tank
do the WC now

hes looking extremly stressed and beaten up

do the water change, keep things calm in the tank
i know your prob getting a bit stressed urself, but.. if all those fish were in the 240L theres going to be high ammonia, its way to small for an oscar let alone all the other fish you have in there, you need to do a 50% water right now, they are very messy fish , turn the tank lights off if they are on ( less stressfull)

tel us what filter you have on the tank
do the WC now

hes looking extremly stressed and beaten up

do the water change, keep things calm in the tank

i turned the lights off the water is very clean since i only recently did a water change so i dont think i really need to :unsure:

i know your prob getting a bit stressed urself, but.. if all those fish were in the 240L theres going to be high ammonia, its way to small for an oscar let alone all the other fish you have in there, you need to do a 50% water right now, they are very messy fish , turn the tank lights off if they are on ( less stressfull)

tel us what filter you have on the tank
do the WC now

hes looking extremly stressed and beaten up

do the water change, keep things calm in the tank

the filter is a juwel aquarium 240ltr filter it came installed and fitted to the tank when i bought it
look im not saying to do a water change for my own benefit... the filter is too small the tank is over stocked and your fish is extremely stressed,possibly poisioned, with that level of stocking you should be doing daily water changes , and just cos the water is clear dosent make it clean by anymeans and cetainly not with that lot of fish in it

do the water change and add another airpump
Surely you would want to do anything to help him.. He is clearly stressed even to my untrained eye. Taking 15 mins out of you day to try and help this fella as you have been kindly advised is the least he deserves.
I know from the 2 that I have that Oscars are very moody and can lay it on, mine do when I clean their tanks and move the decor but from the look of yours he is clearly troubled and as Shelagh has advised he needs help now.
Have you thought what you are going to do with him if he pulls through?
and your about to do the water change right???

more luck than anything else

incidently what are you going to do with him when hes better??
Your tank is seriously overstocked, you need to rehome alot of those fish are they are not suitable for your tank. Im assuming the tank isnt cycled and therefore the fish are undergoing ammonia and nitrIte poisoning, which if it doesnt kill them, will shorten their lifespan considerably.

The Oscar is an aggressive species, surely you should have known that prior to purchase, although from what I can see he is still a juvi and would unlikely be the culprit for any deaths yet, unless it was of small fish he could fit in his mouth. However, having said that, all fish will turn aggressive when housed in inappropriate conditions and undergoing poisoning, strange huh.

You cannot keep the poor fish in a bag, stress alone will kill him. I dont believe there is no fish store that will take it from you, sure they may not give you any money for him, but lets face it, most people would say the money wasnt important, the welfare of the fish was.

IMO you need to re-home 2 of the acaras, the oscar and the black ghost knife fish (who for lifelong health needs a 5ft tank). If you keep the current fish, the oscar will no doubt kill pretty much everything else in the tank as he grows, maybe cept the bala's and clown loach, who again need larger tanks, those he cant eat, he will maime.

In the meantime, do daily water change of a minimum of 50%, sometimes 2x daily, until you can get ammonia and nitrIte under control. Do you even have a test kit?
I agree totally, you seriously need to think about your stocking. A 240l tank with minimal filtration can support a basic community of smallish fish.

Your Oscar and Black Ghost alone need about double that space and 4 or 5 times (minimum) the filtration.

Your Clown Loach (these need to be keep in groups too), Plec and Tire Track Eel will also rapidly outgrow this tank.

With current stock/filtration you need daily 20% waterchanges to maintain ammonia and nitrite at 0.

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