Search results

  1. johnhutch2000

    Juwel Rio 180 Blown Lighting Unit - Led Replacement?

    Well seeing as I can't find a genuinely negative review I've ordered 2 of them. No one seems to have drawn a conclusion on them at the minute. Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday I'll be able to say what they look like first hand. If they're not suitable for plant growing I will find out the hard way...
  2. johnhutch2000

    Juwel Rio 180 Blown Lighting Unit - Led Replacement?

    Having been looking today I think I'm going to try 2 of these units: Arcadia Eco-Aqua LED Tropical 19w   The 19watt version looks like the best fit for a Rio 180. I'm going to do some review searching but so far these appear to be the most suitable direct replacement. The main reason is the...
  3. johnhutch2000

    Juwel Rio 180 Blown Lighting Unit - Led Replacement?

    I'm not currently CO2 dosing or any daily fertiliser additions but the latter due to a relatively new substrate that reckons for 6 months you shouldn't dose ferts. I digress.. The T5 option is certainly much cheaper, I can get a full T5 hood and bulbs for the price of a single LED T8...
  4. johnhutch2000

    Led Lighting - Peoples Experience Please?

    Totally by coincidence I am also looking for LED lighting for a planted Rio 180 tank. (My T8 hood just died for some reason, old I guess). I'm about to go ask Steveo what he can do.
  5. johnhutch2000

    Juwel Rio 180 Blown Lighting Unit - Led Replacement?

    Yep lots of live plants in my tank. Ideally I'd like to go for LED's for the power consumption but I could go T5 if it would look better. Ideally I'm after keeping the original style hood (where it sits inside the tank top). I can spring for expensive LED's if they are going to be the best...
  6. johnhutch2000

    Juwel Rio 180 Blown Lighting Unit - Led Replacement?

    Hiya folks, I'm looking for some opinions, advice on replacing my Juwel 180 92cm T8 bulb lid lights. They've literally died on me today. I've tried new spare bulbs, fuses and the switch and nothing. So I want to change up to something better.   Has anyone got any good LED or T5 replacement...
  7. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Hiya, thanks for the heads up. I'll remove the Dracnea as you say. Do you know what species it is as you seemed to know it :) If I know I'll try to accomodate it as a terrestrial plant instead and see if it will survive the transition. Cheers, J
  8. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Hiya, yeah I was wrong, it isn't limestone or sandstone apparently it's something called Derbyshire grit stone. No clue what it does to water quality so will have to do water tests and see what the outcome is. If the chemistrys all clear in a week or two Ill add some of my mollies as a test...
  9. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Hi well it's all planted up now. What do you think? Still time for adjustments. Bare in mind a black background is going on it too. :) Just after planting After 2 days + a few more plants Hope these work ;)
  10. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Done, thanks. And planted up too now. Will upload some photos when on the right kind of gadget. Now time to play the waiting game...
  11. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    That I shall do, I'm aiming to start planting today or tomorrow but just borrowed a canister filter temporarily until I move my lot out and change back to my filter. Problem is it used to be n a reef so it's going to need so much cleaning and I soaking until its free of all the salt. Hey ho...
  12. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    Sorry didn't see this before. That 5 foot looks really nice! I agree with you, now I've seen the qualit difference between Fluval 125 tank I have and the Juwel I'd never buy another brand I think. Unless I went for a mental 400 gallon or something ;) Maybe when I win the lottery!
  13. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Thanks Fanatic, I might give the left hand side a re-arrange if you think it'll get buried. (no point in having em if you can't see them!) Maybe pull them forward a bit, what would you do? I thought about that, but now it's leant on the one behind it feels pretty solid. I'll see what it feels...
  14. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Yeah I was a bit concerned about the the tall rock on the right. If that fell over I think there would be a small leakage problem. It seems sturdy at the moment though I hope that roots of plants will hold the subtrate together a bit too when it's planted up. Fingers crossed.
  15. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    Just so I don't double post anything. This is a seperate thread I started to try and get opinions on the current layout. It has pictures of the current state of the tank if anyone is interested: Hardscape placement so far
  16. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    And now the pictures that I wanted to upload before... Any thoughts on moving them around much appreciated. Thats it for now. let me know :)
  17. johnhutch2000

    Opinions On Hardscape Placement..

    Hi guys, I've just put these in position today, before I continue I'd like some opinions on how the placement looks. The rock type is an experiment I believe it's limestone but water tests after a week or so will let me know if I'm wrong. Let me know if you think X could be moved left or right...
  18. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    It's definately a nice bit of well made kit. The tank glass is so much thicker than the equivalent models on the market that I've seen. I tested last night for water leaks that may have occured in transit but not a bit of it. Keep you posted
  19. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    Hiya, yep it looks mighty nice. It was in a bit of a state with algae etc when I got it back. However I've cleaned it up now. I'm going to test it for water tightness before I start aquascaping. Once I get the scape done I'll upload some picture for you if you'd like. :)
  20. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    I have had the 240 vito'd by my better half and so have compromised with a Rio 180. Picking it up tomorrow, hope its a good one!
  21. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    Hi there, Thanks for the link a 200 looks good I knew they came in 240 sizes but don't think I've seen just a 200 before I'll check it out. I'm 99% sure the sideboard will be fine. It's solid wood with 3 compartments and solid frame holding it up. Weighs an absolute ton but I bought it...
  22. johnhutch2000

    What New 4 Ft Tank To Buy?

    So basically I've moved house and my old 125 litre fluval tank is still set up at my old place holding my tropical fish. I' figure moving it is going to be a pain so what a good excuse to upgrade. I've got about £300 to spend and I want a tank in the 200litre plus size. The only limitation is...
  23. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Thanks, they do look mighty similar. Mine have the added bulge but I still think that may have been a reaction to the 'whatever it was'. If I get another I shall isolate again and try to treat with the de-wormer mentioned in the other post rather than toxicate them with salt :S
  24. johnhutch2000

    Cardinal Tetra With Worms?

    The pictures look very similar to what has happened to my Neon Tetra. However mine has the unsightly addition of a round blob around the worm too. Here is the link if anyone has any ideas at all...
  25. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Hi Nehpets, I haven't posted it anywhere else and so if you could find it that would be really useful! Just out of curiosity if nothing else I'd like to know what it was. I hope that it doesn't happen to any of the others. One had a white dot for a while which I didn't pay much attention to so...
  26. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Thanks Colleen, the others seem to be doing fine. I haven't noticed any more worm like things on the other fish. The really stupid thing is that the other 3 were behaving normally and so I feel bad that I managed to knock their chemistry so bad that it killed them with my rubbish attempt to...
  27. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Unfortunately as above, I tried to treat them with salt in the Quarantine tank and killed all 4. :(
  28. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Thanks for the reply. I'll focus a bit more on fungus then. If anyone has any ideas I'd be really greatful to hear them. I really don't want to loose any more fish if it can be prevented. Thanks,
  29. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Well I took some advice from the vault of knowledge that is the internet and moved these guys to a quarantine tank with 20 litres of the same tank water from the original into it. with a mini internal filter from the main tank that runs in addition to the external so that it can be transfered in...
  30. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    A video of the affected fishes. It's not very good but it's the best I could capture with my not so hot video camera. Youtube Video of fish issue
  31. johnhutch2000

    Help Identifying Fish Parasite Or Fungus On Neon Tetra Please

    Hi Guys, I've tried to identify whats happened to 2 -3 of my neons in my community tank but can't I have tried to photograph it with limited success (see below). Description: The fish have transparent growths circular in shape on the outside of their bodies with a thin loosely curled white...
  32. johnhutch2000

    Pond Salt

    Thanks for youre help guys, I guess I'll just hang on to the salt unless i need it to treat an individual fish. Cheers - J
  33. johnhutch2000

    Pond Salt

    Thanks three-fingers! Much appreciated! Also yes there is a filter attached to the system. (one much bigger than the stock and pond size demands) why? Cheers
  34. johnhutch2000

    Pond Salt

    Hi fishdude, well the pond is about 300gallon so not that big, and was previously unfiltered but I have bought and fitted a 3000ltr pump and a hoselock UV and particle filter. This should keep the water clear of algal blooms that it used to be prone to. On the return from the filter I built a...
  35. johnhutch2000

    Pond Salt

    Hi Guys, I've had a pond for as long as I can remember and have have comet goldfish in it and a few small Ghost koi I recently cleaned it out and fitted a waterfall and filter system so the water stays clear, and a waterfall for asthetics + water noise. What I want to know is, is pond salt a...
  36. johnhutch2000

    Sick Cory - Please Diagnose / Help?

    Hi Wilder, I can't off hand get the water stats as I don't own any kit to do these at home, I'll take a sample to a lfs at the weekend if I get a chance. The tank is 127 litre tank but has an external canister filter suitable for a 500litre (always better to go overkill IMO) I do an 11 litre...
  37. johnhutch2000

    Sick Cory - Please Diagnose / Help?

    Hi Saz, his nose looks white-ish, like the skin is damaged, there doesn't appear to be any furriness or slimey coating. It just looks like a human burn (you know just before they scar over they go white?). The worrying thing is his barbs have worn away / dropped off. While all the other corys...
  38. johnhutch2000

    Sick Cory - Please Diagnose / Help?

    Yeah they do bury their noses in the gravel, but the others are fine and they do it alot. If its just a blister then its less of a worry Im more worried it could be infectious? Anyone seen this sort of thing before? Thanks
  39. johnhutch2000

    Have You Ever Found A Fish In A Strange Place,and Its Been To Late

    I have had a similar thing happen, I remove the hood to do water changes each week and when I go to empty the bucket and refill (tops 2minutes) I leave the lid off. When I get back I have to do a head count because once I found a danio literally about 3+metres from the tank stuck to one of my...
  40. johnhutch2000

    I Kind Of "made" My Own Sponge Filter....

    Definately a filter and looks to be working (I can tell cus the fry in the photo is not part of the filter lol). The only thing I'd worry about is it dropping off the inlet for whater reason, maybe a boisterous fish would knock it. I know some of mine would have a good sniff at it and probably...