Sick Cory - Please Diagnose / Help?


New Member
Dec 27, 2008
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England Notts
Hi Guys,

I'm really worried about one of my bronze corries in my community tank. His nose has gone all white, almost like a blister and his barbells are much shorter than normal. He looks as though he's "itching" on various things in the tank. Could be just my interpretation.

I've attached some pictures but my camera phone doesn't show much detail. If anyone could shed some light on this I'd be very greatful. Also what do I do.? My quarantine tank was unused for so long I have started a little project turning it into something else so I no longer have a quarantine for them. (great timing!)

All other fish seem healthy at the moment. And my water change routine seems to have been fine for the last 2 years. The only thing I did recently was add another plant - limnophila aquatica and another that is massive but I cant find a name.

Please help guys.


maybe from trying to dig into that gravel may have giving him/her a sore nose (they dig with theyre noses, sometimes in search of food or just a habit) although im not 100% sure
maybe from trying to dig into that gravel may have giving him/her a sore nose (they dig with theyre noses, sometimes in search of food or just a habit) although im not 100% sure
Yeah they do bury their noses in the gravel, but the others are fine and they do it alot. If its just a blister then its less of a worry Im more worried it could be infectious? Anyone seen this sort of thing before?

Does the eroded bit look grazed, or is there any coating, or furriness. Does it look like skin?
Does the eroded bit look grazed, or is there any coating, or furriness. Does it look like skin?

Hi Saz, his nose looks white-ish, like the skin is damaged, there doesn't appear to be any furriness or slimey coating. It just looks like a human burn (you know just before they scar over they go white?).

The worrying thing is his barbs have worn away / dropped off. While all the other corys eat he hovers above the food and only occasionally goes for a bit.

Thanks for your help.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How big are the plecs as your tank looks overstocked.

Is the gravel sharp.
Is the whiteness spreading.
Any excess mucas on body of the fish or gills.
Any signs of laboured breathing.
Any redness on the nose.

If the substrate hasn't worn the barbels down it could be a bacterial infection.
Need to look at your water stats.
One of the corys that I took from a couple who didnt care very well for their fish has no barbels either.
Its simply because they rummage around all day with their noses in the gravel, and as they had rough gravel substrate, it had worn away his barbels.
Now he is in a tank with sand substrate he never stops forraging around, so not having them doesnt seem to have affected him at all.
Maybe he is doing all the wear on his nose at night when the lights are off, looking for left over food.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How big are the plecs as your tank looks overstocked.

Is the gravel sharp.
Is the whiteness spreading.
Any excess mucas on body of the fish or gills.
Any signs of laboured breathing.
Any redness on the nose.

If the substrate hasn't worn the barbels down it could be a bacterial infection.
Need to look at your water stats.

Hi Wilder,

I can't off hand get the water stats as I don't own any kit to do these at home, I'll take a sample to a lfs at the weekend if I get a chance.
The tank is 127 litre tank but has an external canister filter suitable for a 500litre (always better to go overkill IMO)
I do an 11 litre water change every 6 days to counteract the growing plecs waste production.

The two common plecs are 1) about 7inches and 2) under 5inches. And the Vittata is only about 2 inches long.
They started off small as a friend was sold them as "bristlenose, good tank cleaners" (Some places lie), and I inherited them.

The gravel is quite round 1-3 mm size gravel. I've contemplated changing it for sand but supposedly this is not as good for planted aquaria.
The white areas don't appear to be spreading (now they just seem to be a discoloration as inflamation seems to have gone down. But still missing Barbells)
No excess mucus that I can see.
No signs of laboured breathing
No redness (other than the normal brownish of bronze cory) on the body visible
Only thing different is his behaviour, still energetic at feeding times as the JMC catfish pellets stand on the substrate so no need to burrow. But during the day he doesn't seem to want to nussle in the substrate, maybe its sore.

cheers - j
Yes get water tested.
I think I would go in with a bacterial med.

Invest in some liquid test kits of your own.
Good Luck.

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