Led Lighting - Peoples Experience Please?


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I was all set to switch a Rio 180 from T5's to LED. But in doing do I found this article stating they're not good enough. The same shop also has a later article saying that one particular unit from Arcadia is now good enough, and they only sell that.
I know this article is now quite old, but they still only sell that one LED unit today.
So I wanted to canvas you guys who have LED lighting (and really those that have had it for some time) and ask how you think it is?
I'll let you know when mine arrive! Just purchased some off a member on here so will keep you posted if you want!
Lunar Jetman said:
I'll let you know when mine arrive! Just purchased some off a member on here so will keep you posted if you want!
Be great, thanks.
I was quite interested in the Aqua GroBeam 600 set, looks small enough to fit under the existing hood. I cant really go for an open tank with externally mounted lights, need to keep those cat paws out!
Actually, after seeing some youtube videos I'm not sure the GroBeams are as small/thin as I first thought!
Led lighting is the way forward for planted tanks IMO, amongst other benifits they last a lot longer than tubes, use less energy and do not contain mercury like tubes.
I am using a TMC 1500 Ultima on my 60liter at the moment running the tile at 60% (using a TMC controller). I love the tile so much I went a bought a second one and will be setting up a new rimless tank using both the tiles in the next couple of months. (watch this space)
The TMC Growbeam 600 set (2 LED strips) will work on your tank but may not cover the whole tank with strong lighting, you may be better off with 4, it just depends on how much light you want.
If you are on a budget you can get LED hoods/bars made to order from ps3steveo which will also work very well.
lunar, Steveo by any chance? :p
and i bought custom LED's from PS3Steveo, he uses 3w LED bulbs so quite strong, the problem with most LED light fittings on the market they use the cheap 0.5w LED or even less which is no good for plants plus the colour will probably be all wrong if you can find out what LED's it is using how much power they produce then maybe you will be okay but, you can make your own LED unit pretty easy but if not speak to PS3Steveo i am sure he will be happy to make you a set and i priced up what he made for me, if i made it my self his prices are very reasonable infact mine price would have cost me more than i paid :D
i have had my LED a long time now and they are stunning still testing them on red plants seeming they have a high light demand my tank is 330L with 90w of LED which is a high light environment but to get the same light in T5 bulbs i would need 3 maybe 4 54W bulbs meaning nearly 200w in total plus i need to change the bulbs yearly LED last 20+ years :D 
I sold my unit to him as its no use for my marine :p
Totally by coincidence I am also looking for LED lighting for a planted Rio 180 tank. (My T8 hood just died for some reason, old I guess). I'm about to go ask Steveo what he can do.
techen said:
I sold my unit to him as its no use for my marine :p
Hey when you did have your LED lights up n running, how hot did the bars get? Enough to melt or warp a plastic tank lid if sat ontop? Or do they not get that hot?
SLIM said:
I sold my unit to him as its no use for my marine
Hey when you did have your LED lights up n running, how hot did the bars get? Enough to melt or warp a plastic tank lid if sat ontop? Or do they not get that hot?
Any LED lighting that gets that hot is faulty or dangerous and should be returned. Only really high power LEDs designed for outdoors or lighting a large room would get this hot and they almost always have a heat sync on them.
lukyjay said:
I sold my unit to him as its no use for my marine :p
Hey when you did have your LED lights up n running, how hot did the bars get? Enough to melt or warp a plastic tank lid if sat ontop? Or do they not get that hot?
Any LED lighting that gets that hot is faulty or dangerous and should be returned. Only really high power LEDs designed for outdoors or lighting a large room would get this hot and they almost always have a heat sync on them.These are high powered LEDs. The bar they are mounted on acts as a heat sync which is why they get warm.

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