Have You Ever Found A Fish In A Strange Place,and Its Been To Late


May 12, 2009
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i did a little bit of a move around,took out some plants,moved some wood,added some more gravel.

i took off my intake strainer for my fx5 and found a cory decaying behind it :-( well i think it was a cory,it was that badly rotten

it must of got trapped behind there, and the suction just was to much and it was half in half out.

i also found 1 of my rasbora's in my internal juwel filter dead,to this day i have no idea how he got in there!!
Sorry to hear mate.

Similar thing happen to me. One of my danios went missing and i looked EVERYWHERE and couldnt find him, even all around the tank.
When we were moving house i had to trasnfer the taken and as i moved the cabinet it was standing on. Came back into my room to check if anything was left and there was my poor danio, dried up, where the cabinet stood. No idea how he could of gotten there.. He was partially under the cabinet, which was even wierder since the cabinet hasnt moved at all the whole time ive had the tank.

To this day dont know hwo he managed to get himself stuck under the cabinet lol.

Sorry to hear that, it explains your ammonia spike though.

yes i thought that!! im well jinxed with corys :-(

weird thing is though,i have no idea what cory it is.all my panda's,c.similis,and sterbai's are all counted for!!

its almost like there was a stange unknown fish in my tank!!

the fish decaying,would that make alot of ammonia?
i did a little bit of a move around,took out some plants,moved some wood,added some more gravel.

i took off my intake strainer for my fx5 and found a cory decaying behind it :-( well i think it was a cory,it was that badly rotten

it must of got trapped behind there, and the suction just was to much and it was half in half out.

i also found 1 of my rasbora's in my internal juwel filter dead,to this day i have no idea how he got in there!!

Aha, you may have found the Ammonia cause there mate! :good:

:rip: Sorry for the loss though! :-(

im always finding my bn's in my sump lol but there is strainer guards at the top of the standpipes an inch higher than the water so nothing like that happens but noooooooo they always find a way but there is plenty of water in the sump inlet end for any fish that could potentially fit down the pipe they love in the very end of the pipe where the water is rushing over them into the sump lol the pesky bn's
My ex had a gold fish and he hated being left alone, they came back to find him missing and low and behold he had jumped himself out of the tank and down the back of the cabinet.
what was even more shocking was that he actually survived! he must have been out of the tank for a good few hours but no he didnt die he kept swimming and is still swimming today albeit a few less scales and maybe a few kess brain cells!
My ex had a gold fish and he hated being left alone, they came back to find him missing and low and behold he had jumped himself out of the tank and down the back of the cabinet.
what was even more shocking was that he actually survived! he must have been out of the tank for a good few hours but no he didnt die he kept swimming and is still swimming today albeit a few less scales and maybe a few kess brain cells!

wow! thats a lucky fish!
I have had a similar thing happen, I remove the hood to do water changes each week and when I go to empty the bucket and refill (tops 2minutes) I leave the lid off. When I get back I have to do a head count because once I found a danio literally about 3+metres from the tank stuck to one of my T-shirts all dried up. Insane flying fish, also I've found several harlequin tetra randomly out the water. Some fish do have death wishes! The best though was my 7" Adonis plec when during a water change he got scared and jumped, (luckily I saw) and he landed in my girlfriends handbag and started thrashing about. Daft fish!
i found an emperor tetra under my sofa yesterday, couldnt have been there long as it was dead but not dried up. no idea how it got there either, tank is on the other side of the room with a heavy lid on!

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