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  1. josh0013


    In my opinion, if you plan on taking care of the tank properly and you start off really low on stock... its not a problem at all. For those who don't change the water regularly and check the levels it tends to be a problem.
  2. josh0013

    Air Stone Problem

    Here is what I got...
  3. josh0013

    Air Stone Problem

    Look on Ebay... I found a check valve that is also adjustable to flow rate. Really nice to have when I want to minimize the air or turn it up when adding to mix the water better. Cost me like 2 bux
  4. josh0013

    Short Video Of The Tank So Far With Damsel

    True... I'm trying to find other "fake" pieces that match the color of the rock and I'm looking for some anemone decore to give some movement. Trying not to find anything too "neon" looking.
  5. josh0013

    Short Video Of The Tank So Far With Damsel

    Sorry if the quality isn't that great... I can't find my camera :angry: so I'm using my girlfriends cheapo. Suggestions on decor will be appreciated. The volcano was something I had in there with air to circulate the water a bit when adding...
  6. josh0013

    Power Head Killing My Hermits

    I was gonna say the Koriella should keep the guys out of there... I had an old exposed powerhead my father had sitting around, but I decided to just buy some Koriellas.
  7. josh0013

    Everybody Loves Pictures!

    Great pics and beautiful fish... thanks for sharing.
  8. josh0013

    Snail Id

    Sorta looks like a common mud snail... not sure though.
  9. josh0013

    My Fahaka Wont Eat After Moving Tank

    My father had a Fahaka... anytime he was really stressed, he would hang out it one spot. Perhaps he was resting, but he usually didn't show any interest in food for 4 or 5 days. Hope you figure it out soon.
  10. josh0013

    Power Head Killing My Hermits

    What kind of Powerhead do you have?
  11. josh0013

    How Some Lfs Sales People Are So Ignorant

    I never listen to them but I feel their pain. I work retail and I get cussed on a weekly basis because of something that I have no hand in or wasn't properly trained with. Places like Petco and such should really look into training their employees better... they could even advertise it as part...
  12. josh0013

    What Are The Best Fish Tank For Dorm?

    I had a hexagon 5 gallon while living in a dorm my fresh year. It was really quiet and plenty of room. 5 gallon isn't that big for a dorm. The one you listen should be fine for one beta.
  13. josh0013

    Newb With A Sw And Damsel

    Well, her father said he would take care of it... she just enjoys seeing the fish everytime she comes over. Just a couple guppies, neon tetras, mystery snail and decorations.
  14. josh0013

    Newb With A Sw And Damsel

    Hello everybody... My father had a SW aquarium for years and I've recently decided to pick up where he left off. He was in Afghanistan for a year while I cared for the fish (didn't have to do much but check levels and feed with bi-weekly water changes) and now I'm addicted. I have had a fresh...