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  1. S

    one inch per gallon rule

    I like the formula that is on the tank volume size page, I forget that addy but its webbed in this forum. It takes into account surface area and gives you a number. For instance my 10 gallon tank according to that formula could have 16. something inches of fish. Of course like others have said...
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    Yay, finally got my 20

    Actually I think I'm going to add my serpaes, black skirt tetras and guppy to the 20 along with the already cultured penguin filter :) Then I want like 4 corys and a dwarf gourami and um I dunno :E So that will leave me with only neons in my 10 gallon which I want to add otos too and I think...
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    Yay, finally got my 20

    I got a 20 High today from my dad today I'm very happy. I can't set it up yet though because I don't have a hood at this time though. Dad is supposed to see if he has one that fits it and if not I'll buy one sometime soon. This means I can finally get some corydoras! I'm so happy :) Now i just...
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    Found great and cheap fish homes

    Because theres a Dollar General and a Dollar Store and possibly other variations. These different chains carry different products so I'm sure the person was wondering which chain it was so they could possibly get some of these containers.
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    Firebellied Toad Diary

    I really haven't heard too many good stories about pet stores and amphibians =\ Between the mis labeling of many aquatic frogs and the poor treatment of your toads. It's sad :( Petco sold my gf's friend 5 fbt for a 10 gallon tank. He seemed to give good advice other than the fact I thought 5 was...
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    do we really NEED another reason...

    I know its already been pointed out but every petco is different. The healthiest fish I've gotten have come from petco. I agree that there prices on supplies are daft though. A penguin 125 is like 32.99 in the store (not sure about petco online) and I got it off of big als for 14.99 (they had a...
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    Betta Made It #2 Extreme Animal

    Wowy, I watch animal planet all the time but I've never seen that episode of the most extreme. Thanks for the link.
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    Aquatic Frogs

    Thats what I was thinking. I'll probably do a 50% change at least before I add one(after all a 50% water change on a 2.5 gal tank isn't much :P ) , if I decide to get one this weekend. I'm a little worried about the fact I'd be purchasing it from wal mart too, but Petco and the lfs don't have...
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    brown algae!

    Although I've never owned them, I hear otos or Otocinclus Affinis are good brown algae eaters. In fact I recall reading that its good to have a tank with plenty of brown algae when you add otos so they have plenty to eat while they are acclimating. Since I'm not speaking from experience though...
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    Biorbs: Cool, OK, or Stupid!!

    OMFG it cost that much and its acrylic? Its definitely not worth it then imo. The only reason I've bought acrylic tanks is because they're cheap, thats the only reason to get it imo. Also I don't see how that filter is any better than a HOBF. With the no air stone, and the bio filter "media" at...
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    Big Al's Online

    Big Als is the best! IME they are very reliable. I saved loads with them over Petco even with shipping like you said. They ship quick and everything arrived in order. They even included some floating glass thingy that I don't really know what to do with, but it was a good gesture.
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    Aquatic Frogs

    I'm thinking of getting an ADF for my 2.5 minibow but I'm wondering about the frogs and salt. I know salt usually burns scaleless fish, but what about frogs? I put a bit of salt in that tank a while ago, although the water has been changed a time or two since then. I'm sure theres a bit left in...
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    Mystery Snails

    I read the site, but I don't know specifically what species of snail it is and I didn't find the answer to all my questions. How much waste does a full grown mystery snail produce? The reason I ask is I wanted to put one in my 1 gallon tank with my female betta. I want to make sure the lil UGF...
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    gravel cleaner

    I use the "gravel vac" once a week when I do 20% water changes on my 10. My water looks great but then again my 2 filters turn all the water in the tank over 22.5 times an hour :P As long as you're not cleaning the gravel heavily multiple times a week I don't think you're overdoing it.
  15. S

    will 7 cories in a 10 gallon make them

    Depends on what type of corys too I think. I dunno about some of the ones that grow to 3" but I think the 2" ones like the Juli (one i or two?) would be fine. Would be a little cramped like others said and it depends on if you have any other fish in there.
  16. S

    Biorbs: Cool, OK, or Stupid!!

    Yikes I've never seen them before but that sounds bad. I thought mini bows were overpriced (and they are) but that sounds horrible. How many gallons is it? What comes with it? I can't tell much by the picture.
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    Mystery Snails

    I have a friend that works at a wal mart in the pets department and she said they were giving away snails for free. When I asked her what they were she didn't know of course (typical of wal mart I believe :/ ) but from her description they sounded like black mystery snails. If I were to get one...
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    Do you do that for each individual fish? Or like several fish of the same species you purchased at the same time? Because I can't tell the neons or the serpaes apart :lol: Hopefully I'll be taking those serpaes back soon, I keep forgetting to call and ask if they'd give me some store credit...
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    is anyone else having this problem?

    Window air conditioner all the way :P My door is always shut to keep the air in because my room is 75 year round. I have a space heater and a window air conditioner that are both set to keep it 75 degrees so it really works out perfect. In the summer I would like to have my room a little cooler...
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    Water to fish Ratio

    Well when stocking your tank I think you have to consider several things. The waste of the fish, the adult size, and the area of the tank they will occupy. Right now my tank will accomodate the waste of my fish but the mid swimming level is a little cramped. Your water parameters will probably...
  21. S

    do ghost shrimp need...

    Well as long as we're on the subject, how long do ghost shrimp live? I'd like to put one in my 2.5 with Kobe. Hopefully he will leave it alone, but I guess if he eats it it'll be a live food treat for him :/
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    Raise your hand...

    I talk to my bettas once in a while. (don't tell anyone but sometimes they talk back :P :lol: )
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    Betta Bow-Front Double Tank Kit

    I'll second that. Its a good way to have a filtered betta tank, with little to no current, and the price is right. You can't beat them overall. I really like my 2.5 Mini-bow but it was more expensive and the filter its 1) large and takes up space and 2) either creates a big current or when...
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    Is mirror a Good Idea 4 a betta

    Aye I agree with whats been said. A little stimulation is good once in a while, especially for a betta in a tank by himself. Too much will desensitize him though most likely.
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    aquarium salt

    What type of medications did you add? Sounds to me like you added something that killed off your biological filtration. A lot of meds seems to do that. Also I think salt with loaches is probably a no no. Maybe you should invest in a quarantine tank for medication?
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    new ct's

    the link didn't seem to work for me :/
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    Japanese Blue Fighter Fish

    Basically to summerize whats been said before you really can't generalize bettas. In my case I've had very peaceful ones that have gotten along with guppies and tetras but you will get some that won't. As for your other fish terrorizing the betta, I've heard of mollys attacking bettas but again...
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    Betta Aquarium Plan is Definetly A Go

    Ever considered moving to the US? Say in the Broadway Va area :whistle: lol but really I wish there was something like that around here.
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    Mustard Gas spawns

    So... when ya gonna send me some of the CTs or the Deltas? :P Anyways they are both pairs are beautiful fish so I'm sure you're gonna have some beautiful babies :) Good luck.
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    Where do you...

    I wouldn't bother breeding them unless you got them from like bettatalk or something where you know their lineage. Anyways I buy my bettas from petco. They never have anything but common colors and veiltails but I still love the one I got from there, and I miss stan who was a petco betta :/
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    T5 lighting

    I would have thought T12's would have been an upgrade :crazy: Seeing as how they are "fatter" bulbs. I assumed they were higher wattage. Also depending on how your sockets are set up you could probably fit T12's in T8 sockets. Like at work there was a fixture in a bathroom with 2 4' T12 tubes...
  32. S

    Don't give up on PETCO bettas

    I really hate you all :( Not really but you make me sick. I go to petco like twice a week and all they've ever had is red and steel blue veil tails. They had one white veil tail with some blue wash that I was thinking of getting, but then they put him in a display tank (one of those crapo like...
  33. S

    Why do people buy fish

    Because some people don't care unfortunately. My gf keeps bugging me to add a rosy barb, a pleco, and a blue gourami to my 10 gal tank. I've explained several times that my tank is already pretty fully stocked as well as the fact the pleco will get to be 12" long. I also tried to tell her rosy...
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    Cheap Bettas???

    Get me a CT and I'll name my first child after you! :hyper: My email is gordon85@adelphia . Let me know how it goes!
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    Penguin mini or whisper mini?

    rotfl at the whisper mini. I got one of those with my minibow 2.5. I haven't even set it up yet but I can't imagine it being the only filter on a 10 gal tank. Go with the penguin. I think my 125 is awesome and I know you wouldn't regret spending the extra couple bucks on it. Oh I thought I'd...
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    Jeez you psycho! You should hide them in the walls like normal people :shifty:
  37. S

    Don't give up on PETCO bettas

    Some people are just lucky :/ I go to petco probably once or twice a week and look through all 30+ bettas they have and I've never seen a non-veil tail. If I had time I'd drive up to petsmart in sterling but thats 2 hours away =\ but they have like 200-300 bettas at any given time. It'd take a...
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    Question about a Whisper mini

    I got a minibow 2.5 tank off of ebay and I received it today. I was looking at the filter and its rather peculiar. Could anyone that has one tell me how its supposed to go on the tank? It looks as if the filter sits INSIDE the aquarium as opposed to hanging on the back. If that is the case then...
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    Why are Tetras So Hard to Catch?

    I was changing the gravel in my 10 and I took almost all the water out and filled a bucket up to keep my fish in for a while. Well lets just say its harder than you'd think to catch serpae tetras in 2 inches of water :lol:
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    didn't cycle tank

    If its black skirt tetras then I would think they would live. IME they could probably live in pee (although I don't advise that) :o I don't know about the barbs though or the molly, but I think your black skirt tetras will be fine.