is anyone else having this problem?


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
i don't know where you all live but here the summer heat is starting to kick in
i've really been sucking the hydro lately since i have my 2 tanks running in one room AND i have a fan constantly rotating on high
that particular room is where i keep all of my animals and without the fan they all overheat :crazy:
thanks to the fan, and lots of water my animals have been ok, :thumbs:
but the heat hasn't even gotten to its worst and my tanks temperature is creeping higher and higher :X
right now its sitting at 81 but the weather is still gunna get hotter
what should i do? :dunno:
i thought about unplugging my heater on one tank since its cheap and turned down all the way anyways
it still turns on sometimes at night even though the water is at 81
should i just float a baggy of ice daily in the peak heated hours?
or should i wait til the weather gets worse? :huh:

its way too hot over here B)
OMG i'm such a loser :lol:
i clicked on the wrong room
wuv can you move this to tropical chit chat?
If they are all in the same room, try a window air conditioner to cool the whole room.
Odd. *looks at PK's info*

I would've thought it would stay pretty cool in Funk Town. :p :rofl:

Anyway, in my opinion, evaporation is your friend. Can you get some (more?) air movement over the tank?

Ice would probably work, but it doesn't seem like it would be very constant (but that could be insignificant).

And, if the temperature in the room doesn't go below 76, I would probably try unplugging the heater altogether, too.
This may be an obvious suggestion, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Are you keeping the curtains closed in the room? That should help keep it a little cooler, even if there's no direct sunlight.
ddm18 said:
This may be an obvious suggestion, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Are you keeping the curtains closed in the room? That should help keep it a little cooler, even if there's no direct sunlight.
well :crazy:
i have to admit that i do in fact keep the curtains open :*)
i have several ferns and different plant life in that room aswell as my animals needing light
i could just crack em open a little bit to let some slight sunlight in there :huh:
I was just thinking how much heat comes in through our windows here and we're in frosty Canada. Given that your ferns need some good light, whatabout getting a desk lamp or two, and putting those full spectrum light bulbs into them? Then they get their life giving sunlight but you DON'T get the heat from outside coming in. If you have an overhead fluorescent light fixture you can buy full spectrum light tubes for them now too. Just an idea....good luck with keeping your cool!

SnowyZMom B)

p.s. just checked your sig pics...what a cute gineau pig and love the tanks! That bird looks like a right sweetie too.
Window air conditioner all the way :p My door is always shut to keep the air in because my room is 75 year round. I have a space heater and a window air conditioner that are both set to keep it 75 degrees so it really works out perfect. In the summer I would like to have my room a little cooler but I don't have heaters in my betta's tanks so I always think of them :wub:

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