Mustard Gas spawns


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
Well I'm happy to report that I have about 50 5 day old mustard gas crowntail fry :wub: I was worried that they weren't eating because I haven't seen anybody eat yet. But tonight I noticed them picking the walls and eating microworms so...yaaay! :wub: Dad did a fabulous job for his first spawn! He watched the nest until the 2nd day after the fry hatched. I noticed fewer and fewer each time I'd look and they were close enough to free swimming so I just took him out. Here he is

and here's mom

Now I have this male here in a breeder watching over the eggs.

He wasn't the nicest spawner I've come across and he really did a number on this girl..

But she already looks glad to be back in her own tank, she's pretty torn up as far as finnage goes but she looks great.

Wishing I had a camera so I could keep a pic diary like I did with the oranges :X I'm going to try and get one from my brother tomorrow, he doesn't need it :rolleyes: :p
:wub: Awww, I didn't know you spawned the ED deltas for sure! That's so awesome, I'm very proud of both pairs. :D And I told you that you would have more of the crowns than you thought.. look at that, the number has doubled in just a few days. :p Now we'll just hope that daddy delta does just as good of a job.

You tell your brother that all of us at the forum NEED you to have the camera. I loved the pic diary, because I now have babies that may have been in those photos! :hyper: And I want it to happen again... :hey: ;) Hehe!!

*sends good wishes to all the babies!!!* Yey for you! And them! :thumbs:
juliethegr8t said:
And I told you that you would have more of the crowns than you thought.. look at that, the number has doubled in just a few days.
You were right as usual. I noticed them start coming out of the plants and such when I turn the lights off, last highest count was 47 I believe.

I took away their styrofoam cup because they kept congregating under it and NOT looking for food like they were supposed to. It was like they were all just chit chatting "I think we're gonna starve!" "Where'd daddy go?" :rolleyes: :X

I'm hoping the delta does a good job, little punk, I couldn't believe how ruthless he was to the female, I expected that out of the crown,not him! I really thought she was just going to drop dead of a heart attack :no: But all in all,they took much less time than the crowns, entire spawn finished in less than 24 hours as opposed to the days I spent with the crowns.

I'll go get the cam tomorrow. If he doesn't fork it over I'll pull out some of my long gone big sister bullying moves :p :flex:
"I took away their styrofoam cup because they kept congregating under it and NOT looking for food like they were supposed to. It was like they were all just chit chatting "I think we're gonna starve!" "Where'd daddy go?" "

Roflmao!! That's so true, I have to do the same thing with my fry after they become free swimming. Just like any babies, they have to get pushed out of the nest or they'll never leave, they like the "safety" of it.

So... when ya gonna send me some of the CTs or the Deltas? :p Anyways they are both pairs are beautiful fish so I'm sure you're gonna have some beautiful babies :) Good luck.
Woohoo great job!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Just tell him you have to have it!!!! :grr: now now now!!! :hyper: lol I'm so excited for you, good luck with all the babies! (plots ways to make it to wuvs house in about 2 months to hijack cowntail bettas :look: )
Thanks guys!! I'm pretty excited. Delta males eggs should be hatching in just a few hours, we'll see how it goes :thumbs:
Crowns are doing great, eating well, starting them on bbs tomorrow. Cute as buttons.

Deltas have hatched but I removed dad last night because he just looked terrible, he was trying his best to eat all of the unfertilized eggs and he was bloating severely and I worried for him because he was ill not too long ago and I didn't want to push him. :/

I shoulda waited a couple of more weeks with him but what's done is done. I feared the eggs had all gone bad but I lowered the water anyway last night. When I looked this morning there were a bunch of fry but many,many fungusy white eggs :X So I took a kritter keeper and filled it with about an inch of clean water, used an eye dropper to remove about 10 fry to the KK. Then added bettamax to both.

I did this for 2 reasons.
1. To save at least 10 fry in case the fungus attacks before they're freeswimming. save them from the dreaded planaria that has appeared in the tank. I have terrible city water and I get all kinds of microorganisms growing in less than 2 days. This is good AND bad, if a spawn goes well and perfectly on time, the fry have plenty to nibble on without me being there to hand out microworms before they're all ready. BUT if a spawn goes like this... :crazy: the fry are very vulnerable to planaria because planaria will indeed eat fry that aren't free swimming. I sat and watched in horror as a plakat spawn gone bad was entirely destroyed by planaria.

So far so good in the main breeding tank, everybody is just hanging there but I fear the planaria will feed off the unfertilized eggs and multiply too quickly,not giving the fry a chance to become free swimming. If so, I'll be on stand-by with my handy dandy eye dropper.
Deltas are free swimming. No little corpses to be found in the tank so I'm to assume that everyone who hatched,survived. :thumbs:

Crowns are good, had their first bbs today, everybody has fat pink bellies. :wub:
im just leavin my spot right now.... CONGRATS! :clap: i'll edit this later , so that way im not waaaaay too far from what i want, i read this, i will psot a lot more :) its not only congrats, its a lot more, im going to bed....HOPEFULLY my dad will wake me up but i will not respond becuz im sleepin :lol: yeah i dont wanna go to school......... jsut 3 more days...... wednesday,thurs 2 :blink: well....i guess i'll go for the electives :p im lazy .....

I WILL EDIT THIS! buh bye! CONGRATS! :wub:
endparenthesis said:
On what dates did the two spawns hatch? Crowntails are older I'm assuming?
CT's hatched on the 7th, deltas on the 12th

It's funny to watch how different each spawn acts, one who had a father and another who's never seen dad. The fathered bettas act very well rounded and a little clingy to each other. The fatherless fry are amazingly independant and self reliant. I'm glad the deltas hatched :wub:

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