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  1. DN530

    Discus Tank

    Very awesome tank. What kind of fertilizers/nutrients do you use for the plants?
  2. DN530

    Discus Tank Size

    I set up my discus tank about 14 months ago and it is doing awesome. I keep 4 discus as well as a small school of neons and rummy nose. I have a few corys to clean the bottom, and 2 siamensis to eat algae if any pops up. I wish I would've set up a 125 gallon! My recommendation is, GO BIG! The...
  3. DN530

    Orange Belly Newt

    I bought an orange belly newt a week ago. It has its own tank that has rocks and plants for him to sit on if it wants to get out of the water. It isn't eating. I've tried to feed it frozen brine shrimp and newt pellets that I bought at the pet store. I've dropped the food right next to it and...
  4. DN530

    siamese algae eater

    ph 6.8, nitrates 0, ammonia 0... not sure about water hardness
  5. DN530

    siamese algae eater

    I just recenty bought a full size siamese algae eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) to help clean up some hair algae on my plants. it does an AWESOME job. the only thing is that 4 of my fish have died since i've put it in the tank a week ago. i am positive that it is not a flying fox or a false...
  6. DN530

    Plants looking sunburned

    perhaps a lack of iron... my plants looked thinned out and had brownish tips. the lady at the aquarium store told me to try plant tabs that contained slowly released doses of iron that lasts about 3 months. about 3 weeks later, my plants were significantly fuller and no new brown tips or spots...
  7. DN530

    too much light?

    on my 29g i use a 55 watt power compact light made by all-glass. my sword plants have light green leaves and some are turning brown. the big sword isn't as full as it should be. i thought it also could be the water temperature, but it holds steady between 77-80 F. is it because there is too...
  8. DN530

    dead puffer

    I had a dwarf puffer... it seemed really healthy. it ate snails and bloodworms daily. i found it dead today. it was puffed up and floating. i heard puffers can die when they puff up because its unhealthy for them. is this why it died? just curious. :dunno:
  9. DN530

    To much light?

    I have a 55 watt power compact light on my 29 gallon and it works ok. I also have a co2 diffuser in the tank. It works out great.
  10. DN530

    My tank

    This is my planted 29 gallon tank. I recently got hooked on this hobby through one of my friends. This tank has been running since January. The equipment I use is a 55 watt high-output light, aquaclear 200, and a hagen co2 system. The long stringy-looking things on the left side of the tank...
  11. 29g1.jpg


  12. DN530

    Setting up a new 5 gallon

    I'd just keep the betta, frog, and 2 otocinclus. 5 gallons is kinda small. you could set up a 10 gallon for the same price so you can keep a few more fish. I remember when i set up my 10g, i also considered a 5g because of space. 10g cost the same, plus the bigger the tank, the easier it is...
  13. DN530

    Considering a newt tank

    i think i am going to use an extra 10 gallon tank for 1 or 2 newts. i want to get firebelly newts. i know that half the tank should be water and the other half land. i have no clue how i would filter the water since the water level would only be about half-way up the tank. any suggestions?
  14. DN530

    Betta compatibility

    Do you think a male betta would get along ok in my 29 gallon tank? The fish i keep in that tank are listed below.
  15. DN530

    I'm not really new to fish

    Hi, its cool that you're getting back into keeping fish :D To answer a few of your questions.... its 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. If you want to keep more fish, try aiming for smaller fish, since you its a 10 gallon tank. One of my tanks is a 10 gallon which is a little over-crowded...
  16. DN530

    Sword plant not growing as nice as in store?

    I had this problem with one of my swords. turns out i planted way too close to the heater and the leaves were touching it. so alot of the new leaves turned brown.
  17. DN530

    Best Way to have a Planted Aquarium

    This is how i set up both of my aquariums which are heavily planted. I got this idea from my friend who has the same set up in his 75gal. the bottom layer is 1 inch scentless kitty litter. since it is made of clay, it gives plants a good root base. then a layer of sand, then gravel mixed...
  18. DN530

    Mollies chasing new Gourami

    my mollies did the same thing to my gourami. i think its just the way they act. they get really pushy when its feeding time.
  19. DN530

    cardinals dying!

    i originally had 6 cardinals in my tank. they have been in there for roughly 3 months. 3 weeks ago i added 6 more. then i had an ich outbreak about 2 weeks ago. 4 died before i got ich under control. this morning i 2 more were dead. water seems ok. ammonia, nitrites and nitrates all under...
  20. DN530

    gross-looking gourami

    Hi Inchworm, I clean the gravel everytime i change the water, which is every 10-14 days. With the ich, i've been changing 10% of the water every other day, but not cleaning the gravel since its not neccessary until about the 12th day. I raised the temperature to 81 degrees F to help out with...
  21. DN530

    gross-looking gourami

    :blink: I have a male dwarf gourami in a 29-gal. Ph is at 7.0, ammonia and nitrite levels are normal. I think the gourami has some sort of fungus infection. he has a big sore on his side and it has some white fuzzy stuff coming out of it. i'm not sure what to do. i'm already putting...
  22. DN530

    is my gourami sick?

    it looks like a white circular wound, its in the middle of the body about 2 or 3cm away from the tail
  23. DN530

    is my gourami sick?

    in the tank i have small tetras (6 cardinals, 3 pristilla), 3 guppies, 2 mollies, 3 otocinclus, 3 corys, 1 rubber pleco, 4 ghost shrimp. how do i show what i have in my tanks everytime i post a message?
  24. DN530

    Aggressive female krib

    I had the same problem with one of my kribs. he was very dominant and chased the kribs around. i tried putting him in another tank with no kribs, but he chased fish of other species around. so i ended up taking him back to the store and exchanging him for another. all is well in the krib...
  25. DN530

    is my gourami sick?

    I have 1 male dwarf gourami in a 29g community tank. he's active and is eating and functioning fine as far as i can see. but i noticed yesterday that he has some sort of open wound or sore on his side. i'm not sure if it is some sort of disease or infection. all of the other fish in the tank...
  26. DN530

    Feeding my betta

    I've had my betta for about 2 months and the way he eats frustrates me a bit. I feed him a variety of food... bloodworms, waterfleas, or betta bits. no matter what i feed him he eats it in a way that pollutes the bowl. so i have to change some of the water and clean the gravel 2-3 times a...
  27. DN530

    Ropefish, reedfish, snakefish...

    my roommate had a ropefish in his 75 gallon. it definately adds a cool look to the tank BUT keep in mind that it is a predatory fish by nature, so you may notice a few of your smaller fish disappear. it ate a few ottos and 1 or 2 neons. if you keep its appetite satisfied then it won't go...
  28. DN530

    Green Water

    same thing happened to my friend's 75 gal. he used algae fix and his tank was clear the next day. but then it turned green again. his ecosystem became dependant on the algae fix to keep it clear. hopefully your tank doesn't fall into this cycle. good luck!
  29. DN530

    lighting in a small tank

    I just set up a 10 gallon tank with quite a few live plants. Within a week I noticed the plants starting to turn a little brown. I have the proper plant fertilizer, so I know it is the lighting. I have an 20 inch striplight for it. Any suggestions on a new fluorescent bulb that will provide...
  30. DN530

    do i need light

    I don't know how accurate this information is, but the guy at the aquarium store told me.... he said that very little or no light can cause odd deformities with fish fry. he said the most common deform from inadequate lighting is a bent back. so your fish will look like a boomerang. i don't...
  31. DN530

    Guppy fry question

    I have about 10-15 guppy fry in a breeding net in my 29 gallon. They are about a week old. How long should I keep them in the net before I expose them to the rest of the tank? It is a HEAVILY planted tank. I think they can hide ok in the plants, but its easier to feed them in the net. :blink: