Aggressive female krib

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I have a problem with a female krib who is nasty to all other fish. I had her in the big tank and she was always chasing the small male and the other fish around. Then by accident I got some more kribs (albino). I tried re-arranging the tank and putting them all together and it was ok but she kept chasin the other fish, especially the new female and the old male and the female sustained some damage to fins.

So, I ended up putting the non-albino male and female in my smaller tropical tank and created caves etc. But this was not good as she was always chasing the male away (he's still small) and he ended up going into hiding much of the time. She also chased the barbs, cories, otos and limias but not to the same extent.

Finally, I decided to set-up the 10US hospital tank for her and I have got her in there now with a plant-pot cave, some fake plants, a stone and a piece of wood.

She seems ok but I want to know if she will get bored/lonley in there all by herself. The tank is 18"x12"x11" (LxWXH). Can you think of any fish that could go in with her, either out of my sig or that could be bought? My main aim is to keep her happy until the male has grown a bit or until I am able to get and house another big male. However, I would only want to add fish that can stand up for themselves or that she won't bother (not likely IMO).

She is not very big, about 2" total length.

Thanks for any advice.
I had the same problem with one of my kribs. he was very dominant and chased the kribs around. i tried putting him in another tank with no kribs, but he chased fish of other species around. so i ended up taking him back to the store and exchanging him for another. all is well in the krib tank now. but if you are attached to your krib, i'd suggest putting it in a tank with middle and top dwellers such as bigger tetras or rainbow fish. hope this helps.
:fish: She'll be perfectly happy on her own until the male has grown on enough, once he's bigger than her then rearrange the tank she is in and put him in with her, be prepared for some fighting while she tests him to see if he's big and ugly enough to guard her babies :D
I didn't think the tank would be big enough? :unsure:

I wasn't sure what I was going to do, maybe use my 16UK tank eventually when I get my new one and rearrange a bit.
The tank is on the small side, but if it's temporary (up to a few months) it's fine. A 16 gal UK would be big enough for a permanent home, as long as there are no other fish on the bottom levels of the tank.
Morrgan said:
The tank is on the small side, but if it's temporary (up to a few months) it's fine. A 16 gal UK would be big enough for a permanent home, as long as there are no other fish on the bottom levels of the tank.
Thanks for the reply Morrgan, I was planning on have a couple of top dwellers and no bottom dwellers at all.

As a side question, when set up a new tank for the albino kribs, about 24UK gallons, would otos be bad to go in there?

I know bottom dwellers are not good but these guys mostly live on plants etc.

Or is it a bad idea?

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