siamese algae eater


New Member
Mar 7, 2004
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Columbus, OH. A drinking town with a football prob
I just recenty bought a full size siamese algae eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) to help clean up some hair algae on my plants. it does an AWESOME job. the only thing is that 4 of my fish have died since i've put it in the tank a week ago. i am positive that it is not a flying fox or a false siamensis. all of the articles i read state that a the siamese algae eater is not agressive unlike the flying fox and the false siamensis. any explanation on why 4 fish are dead? hes in a 29g with 9 cardinals, 3 cories, 2 gold tetras 4 pristillas, an otocinclus and a guppy. now the guppy is dead, along with 1 cory, 1 gold tetra, and 1 cardinal. all the deaths have been on different days. is this fish agressive, or did it bring some sort of parasite or illness to my tank? HELP!!!
what are your water parameters like?

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