do i need light

Not necessarily, but the guppies will look much nicer in a light. :nod:
i heard that if they dont have light, their color starts to fade quickly, which then makes the fish depressed and make his heart work slower, slowing of the heart will cause internal combustion and then eventually lead to an actualy explosion of the fish.

your choice.....
I don't think that the Fish will actually explode, but breeders usually keep fish under constant light to encourage breeding, not no light.
you should at least buy one of those cheap florescent lights that cling to the side of the tank. some light is better than no light. :nod:
Plus, if any algae gets in your tank (algae hardly needs any light) the constant darkness will cause them to eat up all of the Oxygen instead of C02, this can cause low aeration which can eventually stress out your fish or produce deadly anaerobic bacteria.
So at least provide some light :)
I don't know how accurate this information is, but the guy at the aquarium store told me.... he said that very little or no light can cause odd deformities with fish fry. he said the most common deform from inadequate lighting is a bent back. so your fish will look like a boomerang. i don't know how accurate this is, so don't quote me!
Really? Thats odd. Is it cuz the get the calcium to form their bones like reptiles do from UV light? Kewl! I know thought that if you are trying to grow your catfish big and strong that if you grow them in no light conditions they will grow faster than ones that have light or constant light. I read about it in this one article...very interesting indeed. So would the same thing apply to catfish fry?

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