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  1. scolby

    Cant Get My Frogfish To Eat!

    unfortunately the only live shrimp I can find that are cheap enough are ghost shrimp, but they're far too small
  2. scolby

    Newbie To Salt Water Looking At A Lion Fish

    I've heard a lot of good things about lionfish, just be ready to have a few different foods for it to choose from incase you have trouble getting it to eat. I've seen freshwater feeder fish used but its not a good staple diet and should only be used if they won't take anything else. I also...
  3. scolby

    Cant Get My Frogfish To Eat!

    I'm having trouble getting my frogfish to eat. In a total of about 3 weeks since I got him, hes only eaten twice. The first time he ate was about a week after i got him, and the second time was about five days after that. I'm feeding it frozen krill on the end of a clear feeding prong. The past...
  4. scolby

    Frog Fish/angler Fish Feeding And More Questions

    Well hes definately big enough to eat it and be okay, I just didnt know about what would happen to the shell
  5. scolby

    Frog Fish/angler Fish Feeding And More Questions

    Would it choke if it tried to eat a hermit crab?
  6. scolby

    Frog Fish/angler Fish Feeding And More Questions

    I just got an angler/frog fish today and I can't find any good information on how often to feed it. I've seen once a week and ive seen twice a day, big difference. Anyone know how often to feed them? Also there's hermit crabs in the same tank as it, and until it was acclimating I never thought...
  7. scolby

    Hermit Crabs Id

    I had a feeling they wouldn't be compatible.... I'll try to find pictures of them on the internet instead and post them to be sure. thanks
  8. scolby

    Hermit Crabs Id

    I collected a bunch of hermit crabs from the florida keys, mainly blue-legged. Other then that I have 2 other kinds that I cant identify. I tried several times to get pictures but its just not any good without a macro lens. Anyway, one kind is much larger then the blue legged, and they are...
  9. scolby

    Adding Sand With Fish In The Tank

    But still remove the fish while I do that right? Can the cloudiness from the sand hurt the fish, or just stress them out?
  10. scolby

    Algae Eating Snails

    Alright ill try adding plenty of shells of various sizes and see how it goes. I lost my zebra hermits a while back, i wonder if that was at the fault of some blue legged hermits?
  11. scolby

    Algae Eating Snails

    Good thing you said that, I've had blue legged hermits in with the snails for a while now. Haven't had any problems, but I'm going to trust you and put them in seperate tanks. If a blue legged hermit killed one and didnt eat it, do you think a Nassarius is big enought to nuke a tank?
  12. scolby

    Algae Eating Snails

    They're a pretty large size so how many would you recommend for a 40 gallon tank?
  13. scolby

    Adding Sand With Fish In The Tank

    Wow that must look bare! Take the fish out for an hour or so while you put the sand in your tank, it would be best to turn off all of your equipment too so you can let it settle. Very bare, and algae is starting to grow on the bottom so its time to put sand in. Just didnt have enough money...
  14. scolby

    Adding Sand With Fish In The Tank

    I have a tank thats bare bottom right now and I'm adding the sand soon. I know that the water gets cloudy when you add it, would that harm the fish? I don't know if I should take the fish out for a few hours or what.
  15. scolby

    Algae Eating Snails

    I have a few Nassarius snails in my clean up crew but i dont have anything that eats algae. What are some good algae eating snails? Any other suggestions for things that eat algae would be appreciated also.
  16. scolby

    Ideas For Stocking On A 55g Tank

    I was thinking a Humu Humu Picasso Trigger, since that is one of the smaller ones, and a moray eel. Not a snowflake, something larger but still small enough. Maybe a ghost eel. I was also thinking about a Valentini Puffer too. So any opinions on those three? I do realize its a bit small for the...
  17. scolby

    Anenome Id

    Doesn't look similar in shape and definately not in color. I will get a picture as soon as I can
  18. scolby

    Question About Tank Odor And White Haze.

    Well in the meantime, he should replace/add more carbon to help reduce the ammonia, and carbon is also supposed to reduce odor
  19. scolby

    Anenome Id

    Why do you say that?
  20. scolby

    What Do You Think Of This?

    Sounds ok to me. The time inbetween each just depends on how well the others are doing. Make sure they arent having territoral problems or any problems settling in. Other then that, a month sounds fine.
  21. scolby

    Anenome Id

    Got an anenome on some live rock a few months back. I have never seen anything like it. It looks exactly like an Aiptasia but a completely different color. Its white to clear, with bright green dots all over it that seem to glow. Would add a pic but im not home, plus I don't know if it would...
  22. scolby

    Can Anyone Id This Plese ?

    I have the same thing on a rock that I got probably 3 or 4 months ago, and it never spread. I have Aiptasia which spread like crazy and very quick, so either this kind is not a pest or just takes longer to spread.
  23. scolby

    What Do You Think Of This?

    Some people use mollies to cycle a tank, as they can stand the saltwater, but I have never tried it myself. I'd agree that live rock is the best way to go. The two biggest problems with you're stock list were the trigger and lionfish, so its good you decides against them. The list seems pretty...
  24. scolby

    Trigon 350 Sump

    I dont have any experience with it but you could get one of those overflow boxes the use suction from a special air pump.
  25. scolby

    Wrasse Got Ich/whitespot

    Well first thing I would do is put the wrasse in a quarantine tank. That can be easily reversed, unlike many medications that can be harmful. Before doing anything that would be the best way to go, especially to save your other fish. Then you could wait it out or try meds...
  26. scolby

    Water Changing, Why Bother?

    Ski, I dont understand why you can't touch a nitrate kit. You can't even touch the outside of the tube when you shake up the contents? im confused
  27. scolby

    2 Gallon Pico

    yep. sounds like a cool idea, but how could I do this without drilling any tanks?
  28. scolby

    2 Gallon Pico

    Well this is set up and has some sand and a single rock, so its about 1 step ahead of the others. Most are cycled, but have absolutely nothing, not even rock.
  29. scolby

    2 Gallon Pico

    Don't think just snails would keep me interested....maybe this tank just isnt a good idea :unsure:
  30. scolby

    2 Gallon Pico

    It is when you have 11 other unfinished tanks :rolleyes: i get a little obsessed with things
  31. scolby

    Previously Going, Now Went Marine

    Ever find the yellow watchman you talked about earlier in the thread? I had the same problem before, removed all the rocks, and still didnt find him. The next day I saw a little yellow head sticking out of a rock and realized some live rock has very un-noticeable tunnel systems going through it...
  32. scolby

    2 Gallon Pico

    lol. Then anything I could use it for? Brine shrimp, pod farm, anything?
  33. scolby

    2 Gallon Pico

    I got a 2 gallon pico tank and I have no idea what to put in it. I have never tried coral, but I'm really not that into it, plus the lighting etc. is expensive. Can't think of any fish that could go in there, except maybe a single clown goby. Suggestions?
  34. scolby

    Salinity For Clowns

    It might be a better idea to keep it a little higher like 1.021 or 1.022 if you have live rock because its full of inverts which do better in higher salinity. Could be wrong though, thats just how I think about it
  35. scolby

    Collect Fish And Shipping Them

    I'm aware of the protected areas, I already researched where I can collect and what the bag limits are. I know it will be expensive but I think it will be worth it if i can find anything good. With all the dive shops down there maybe I could just get one of them to fill the bags with oxygen so I...
  36. scolby

    Collect Fish And Shipping Them

    Have you ever seen oxygen tabs? Ive heard about tabs you can put in the water that release oxygen, but ive never actually seen them myself. No, I'm collecting them from the Florida Keys
  37. scolby

    Collect Fish And Shipping Them

    Im actually shipping them, like in the mail. I dont believe I can bring them on the plan so I am trying to find the best way to ship them, like the distributors and websites do
  38. scolby


    I must add that if you do decide to get them, don't get them from petco. Theres always some sort of disease in those tanks if you take a closer look.
  39. scolby

    Collect Fish And Shipping Them

    It depends what I can find. Im not going for a specific species, just whatever I can get.
  40. scolby

    Collect Fish And Shipping Them

    I'm going to the Florida Keys and im going to collect a few things, anyone have some ideas on how to ship them back (to Delaware)? I'm planning on putting them in a styrofoam cooler with a heat pack. Any ideas for the oxygen? I don't really want to buy an oxygen tank, sort of expensive :unsure: