Anenome Id


New Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Got an anenome on some live rock a few months back. I have never seen anything like it. It looks exactly like an Aiptasia but a completely different color. Its white to clear, with bright green dots all over it that seem to glow. Would add a pic but im not home, plus I don't know if it would help, you can probably picture exactly how it looks. Any ideas?
i think i have one of these in my rock seems a similar description the first day i saw it it looked like a little pod inside a hole on the rock then the next day it was okking like aiptasia but differnt coluor i prob wont be able to get a pic because it is inside the rock
Can you post a pic please?

You must be a specialist at marine fish keeping.
Who cares,show us a picture,thats the main thing.
There are so many variations of anemonies and than variations of those depending on light and health.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Maybe we can than put an exact name to it!
There are tons of species of small anemones. If it's not a Mojano or Aiptasia, it's usually generically labeled "Rock Anemone"


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