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    My Bristlenose Problem

    as far as i can see the puffer is peaceful. spends most of the time in hiding and i never see it chase anything. the puffer didint eat the brown bristlenose spawn. 4 ft tank with a few platy and about 15 tetra a few bristlenose and some panda cory.
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    My Bristlenose Problem

    um lots of different tetras, platy, and a dwarf puffer because of the snails.
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    Bristlenose Sexing

    easy to sex just by looking at bristles. will be abit hard if they are too young though. males obviously have heaps of bristles, females tiny short ones on the side of the head. i have a brown male and golden female and the babies turn out brown. would be the same for albinos.
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    My Bristlenose Problem

    ok i had 2 golden females and 2 males, one male is golden and the other brown. they all live together in same tank. i got several spawns of brown babies which grew up and i sold them each time. i decided to sell the brown dominant male so i could get golden babies instead - they worth more...
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    Light Flickering

    just the tube
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    Eaten Fish

    the other day i seen baby bristlenose in my tank, now they all have gone. who do you think ate them? a small red tail shark or rosy barbs?
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    Cichlid Compatibility Question

    well its a very peaceful tank. the green sevs would not eat any baby fish.
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    Cichlid Compatibility Question

    i currently have a 4 ft tank with 2 18cm+ green severums, 2 adult lionheads with 3 juveniles, 2 angelfish, couple of barbs and swordtails. someone is selling some juvenile demasonis. my question is can you mix these with the fish already in my tank? cheers
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    Breeding Angels

    with my lionhead cichlids it was the other way around. i always had to remove the female once they were freeswimming as such.
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    Green Severum Behaviour

    ive had these 2 green severums now and they be around 2 years old. for the first time ever yesterday they displayed some unusual behaviour. they kept locking lips sometimes upto a minute or longer. their eyes went really red and one of them was sticking out his red lower fins straight down...
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    Help Sexing Golden Severum

    so i bought a mate for my 2 larger male green severums. one of the green sevs chases the golden one around but the other does not mind this new 'friend' is someone able to tell me if its M or F?
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    Calling All Lionhead/buffalo Cichlid Owners

    far far away. new zealand
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    Help Sexing Green Severums

    2 big ones biggest 2nd biggest 3rd biggest-palest colour of the lot runt-a third of the size of the biggest
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    Calling All Lionhead/buffalo Cichlid Owners

    i had them in a seperate tank and they raised young quite often. since putting them into a community tank they have not laid any more eggs. which i dont mind as i now have too many of them anyhow. but iam sure if i were to put them back in the breeding tank they would go at it again. mine lay...
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    Help Sexing Green Severums

    i cant tell any difference in markings. the 2 big ones are just darker because of their domnicance over the smaller ones
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    Calling All Lionhead/buffalo Cichlid Owners

    i have a breeding pair and they are prolific breeders one batch after another. they are hardy fish normal water change is fine. the male is about 3 times the size of the female
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    Help Sexing Green Severums

    i got 4 green severums as babies they would be 2 years old max. they are getting quite big now so i was wanting to keep a 'pair' and sell the other 2. for sexing people say the males have more colour around face and gill plates but to me they all look the same. i thought the males had longer...
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    Lionheads Breeding

    i decided to take the shipwreck out of the water and take a proper look at the eggs in there. she put them right in the bow of the ship where the big male cant fit in there to fertilize the eggs. these fish are first time breeders so she is probably not the smartest fish by laying the eggs where...
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    Lionheads Breeding

    here in the left ship they live
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    Lionheads Breeding

    only a chinese algae eater and some zebra danios. i will move the danios to the other tank when the eggs hatch.
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    Lionheads Breeding

    thanks , yeah the male is much bigger and has big lump on forehead, kina looks like that alien from the alien movies :) eggs are quite large and like you say a smaller batch. hope they hatch.
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    Lionheads Breeding

    ok i found a photo on the internet and the eggs do look yellow aswell so i think mine are normal.
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    Lionheads Breeding

    i have a couple of lionhead cichlids, they live in a shipwreck ornament. i used a torch to look inside the ornament and discovered that they have eggs in there. one lionhead is about a third of the size of the big one. the eggs are right in the bow of the ship and im not sure if the big one...
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    Constipation Or Dropsy? Help

    1. no idea it like 100 liters 2. 1 bristlenose, 1 keyhole, 4 baby green severums 3. no idea dont have a testkit 4. flakes,freeze dried tubifex,earthworms,cooked fish, cooked chicken
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    Constipation Or Dropsy? Help

    never mind. i caught him to look at him out of the water and the looked like a balloon so i ended his suffering.
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    Constipation Or Dropsy? Help

    my male keyhole cichlid looks like a pinecone when viewed from above, he is not really eating and just sits/hovers on the bottom all day, also it looks like he is gasping for air. i remember the female once had the same thing months ago and she is back to normal. but he has been like this for a...
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    Help Keyhole Experts Needed

    ive had them for like 6 months now hope it wont be that much longer until they breed. they already have a large flat rock, maybe i put in another one for them. i do feed them quite a abit but the fast growing severums usually scoff most of the food anyhow.
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    Help Keyhole Experts Needed

    yeah they could be over fed a little. they get flakes like 5 times a day and love their daily earthworms also.
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    Help Keyhole Experts Needed

    sure, they are greedy happy fish that share the tank with 4 green severums. i can remember a few months back, the smaller keyhole had a stomach like the big one has now. but as you see that one is back to normal.
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    Help Keyhole Experts Needed

    over 6 months ago now i bought a breeding pair of keyholes. they have not done any breeding but where sold as a breeding pair. to be honest i don't know which is the male and which is the female. one is considerably larger than the other one. they were very timid fish at first especially the...
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    Raising Zebra Danio Fry

    ive bred these alot. but cant tell you the times excactly. the fry are tiny and grow not that quickly. i do know though that i put the first baby danio back with the adults after like 7 weeks.
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    Zebra Danio Gender Determination

    dont need to look at the fins to sex them. very easy to tell. males are streamlined and females are plump.
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    Do Keyholes Need Friends?

    i have an adult breeding pair of keyholes. very timid for the first 6 months when i got them, but now very tame. i have 4 green severums with them and they get along fine, they also got along fine with a big red tail shark. but i had to get rid of the shark as he attacked the smaller severums.
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    New To Green Severums

    i recently put 4 baby green severums into the tank with my keyhole cichlids. they are probably 3-4 cm long at this stage. since putting them into my tank all my plants are developing holes, but i never see them nipping at the plants. can you have green severums in a planted aquarium?
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    Question About Fish Fins

    do the fins on fish grow back and repair themselves? because my red tail shark had a big scrap with a lionhead cichlid and now the shark is looking a bit shredded.
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    Keyholes Fussy Eaters - Help

    i recently aquired a breeding pair of keyholes. they seem to be fussy eaters. they wont eat the flakes, they wont eat JBL novostickm. what do you people feed your keyholes? thx
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    Plants Rotting Help

    i dont know why but the new growth the leaves are rotting, thx affects those plants with long leaves, and that other plant the tip is rotting away!
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    Identify A Plant Pls

    grows very slowly all i know about it. thx
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    Best Plants For Apple Snails

    they eat that blue-green algae?>
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    Green Algae Problem

    i just looked at that algae guide and i seem to have that blue-green algae. is too many plants causing it? or lack of water circulation because i only have a cheap air driven filter in one corner?. or lack of fish coz i only have a few danio fry in it. i have two tanks beside each other and only...