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  1. F

    Any Ideas How To Clean/disinfect Quarantine Tank Following Sick Gouram

    Ok thanks. Sad Sally didn't pull through but at least she's not suffering now.thanks for your help & guidance.
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    Any Ideas How To Clean/disinfect Quarantine Tank Following Sick Gouram

    By the way, my quarantine tank is made of plastic, not glass - is bleach ok on plastic? (well diluted, of course.)
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    Any Ideas How To Clean/disinfect Quarantine Tank Following Sick Gouram

    Thanks for that, Wilder - especially about cleaning the filter aswell. What proportion of bleach:water should be used? Or doesn't it matter?
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    Any Ideas How To Clean/disinfect Quarantine Tank Following Sick Gouram

    Well, sadly, one of our female Gouramis, Sally died this morning, after a recent battle with what at first looked like a bacterial infection (red, sore-looking patches on face) followed by, in past 2 days, a fungal infection, and loss of appetite & lethargy. There were suggestions that it might...
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    Gourami Has Red Patch On Face

    Update on Sally with the red patch.... We have given her two complete tretments of Furan2 for the red patch. This has improved. Patch on face is now less red and less inflamed, but now she seems to have a fungal infection. We are thinking of finishing the Furan2 treatment after today's...
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    Gourami Has Red Patch On Face

    Ok. Thanks for the article - although a little depressed having read it! Will follow your advice and retreat. On reading, meds package says to run activated carbon & another water change before retreating, so will do this. I'm so glad we quarantined her early, and hopefully she'll pull...
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    Gourami Has Red Patch On Face

    If repeat the bacterial med, do I need to add activated charcoal to water before repeating the treatment and wait a bit? Or can I just restart the treatment as before, from tomorrow? Re dwarf gourami disease, is this treatable? I've heard once they get that, it's fairly much curtains for the...
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    Gourami Has Red Patch On Face

    Correction to Gourami name - on looking in our fish book, she is described as a Red Flame Dwarf Gourami.
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    Gourami Has Red Patch On Face

    Hi Wilder - thanks for getting back to me. She is a Dwarf Red Sunset Gourami. I don't know if this is the proper name, and I don't know the latin name, sorry - this is how she was called when we bought her, about a year ago. She's silver in colour. As to the sore patch - with her being silver...
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    Gourami Has Red Patch On Face

    One of my female Gouramis has a pinkish-red patch on side of her face, stretching nearly as far as her gills. There have been no cottonish strands on her patch. She's been in the quarantine tank for a week, and we're treating her with Furan2 powder (had a full 4 days treatment as directed on...
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    Gouramies Are Breeding - Advice Needed!

    Thanks - but now the nest has more or less disintegrated, with it being exposed to the current from the filter. However, Michael seems to have just made another bubblenest this afternoon on the plant's side away from the current flow ! It remains to be seen whether anything will come of it...
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    Gouramies Are Breeding - Advice Needed!

    I suppose it's more or less inevitable that with one male and two females they are bound to spawn sooner or later. We just wanted them in our main tank so that they looked great with all the other fish - no plans for breeding them! So what's the best thing to do next time they look like...
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    Gouramies Are Breeding - Advice Needed!

    Thanks for your reply malakye. I wasn't anticipating them breeding - we only bought them from local aquarium shop 1 week ago!! They seem fast movers! So, let me get this right....I should leave the 3 adult Gouramis in the main tank. When should I move the fry? - when they have hatched, or now...
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    Gouramies Are Breeding - Advice Needed!

    I have two female and one male Dwarf Sunset Gouramies. One of the females and the male (Michael) have been showing 'courting' behaviour in the last few days, so I was excited at the prospect that they may breed. Last night, I noticed a pinkish white ball of what looks like a ball of eggs, under...
  15. F

    Should We Get A New Male For Our Female Dwarf Red Sunset Gourami?

    I had a pair of Red Sunset Dwarf Gouramies (1 male and 1 female). I say 'had' because the male suddenly died this morning. (The female seems fine so far.) It was all very sudden. yesterday we had noticed he was at the top a lot during the day, and by this morning he was obviously finding...
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    Odd Behaviour In Male Dwarf Sunset Gourami

    Yes, they're (esp. George) for ever chasing their own reflections in the tank - usually after the light goes out, i don't know if that makes their reflection stand out more.
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    Odd Behaviour In Male Dwarf Sunset Gourami

    Hi all. I've noticed a strange behaviour with George, my dwarf sunset Gourami. Several times daily he comes up to the tank thermometer, flicks his body against it, and knocks the thermometer against the tank glass. I only noticed in the first place he was doing this because of the clicking...
  18. F

    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Well, it's sad news. Fishy died this afternoon, she was 3rd day of re-treatment - had looked quite bad since last night. Lots of fluff coming out of wound, and she obviously was not well, difficulty swimming about, not eating. Shame, as a few days ago she looked like she was making progress &...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Ok. So I'll continue antibiot tretment, as instructions on pack - i.e. treat 1 dose, after 24 hrs another dose, then 25% water change, repeat this for a second time - so total 4 doses. Then final 25% water change & replace filter sponge. And see how ahe is after this - here's hoping...! many...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Yes, that's right. Ingreds = 60mg Nitrofurazone & 25mg Furazolidone. That's why I'm giving Prime - to counteract any ammonia, nitrites that will build up due to filter bacteria being killed also - Prime supposed to help with this. Howwever, nitrite level still higher than should be.
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Can't seem to get Nitrite level down to zero, even though have changed 1/3 of the water (using main tank's water to refill), and have re-added Seachem Prime. Don't want to keep fishy in there too long cos of this. Looking at the wound today, it has sort of fluffy strands on the outside edge of...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Ok. It does say that yes - I only have an ordinary filter sponge for that sized filter (v small filter), not a carbon filter. I've done a 25% water change, like it says on the med box, and put the fsponge back into the filter. I tested for nitrite & ammonia yesterday - ammonia was ok (zero...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Ok. May sound a silly question, but how will I be able to tell when she's well enough to go back into the main tank? She's looking more lively today, and ate a bit of her food this morning. Should the wound look any different before I let her go back? And how would I know to repeat the dose -...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Any ideas how long fishy should be kept in the quarantine tank? She's looking very lonely and miserable. The anti-biotic treatment course is for 4 days.
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Hi, Wilder. It's called Furan 2. Thanks.
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Just to keep you updated: Having waited days for delivery of anti-biotic, my poorly phantom fish is now safely in the quarantine tank and is being treated with said anti-biotic. It is the second day of treatment today, with 2 more days to go. She has not eaten today, but I'm assuming that's...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    As I didn't have a hosp tank at all to start with, I've been setting it up; I'm afraid she's still not in yet! Bought the heater for it today, along with other bits and bobs, and have ordered an airstone with pump. I have bought some antibiotic, which is on order, so now just waiting for...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Ok, thanks for your advice and guidance, it is appreciated.
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    I now have a small, quarantine tank which fishy will go in, on her own, when I've bought a small heater and set the tank up.
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Both are gram negative bacteria. The best treatment for this is any sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This can be put in the water and mixed with food -- if you can find Romet B use it. Did you mean this antibiotic? If so, any idea how I would get hold of it? Thnaks for your assistance.
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Have just finished getting tank stats:- pH = 6.6 Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 10 (GH = 180, KH = 50). Hope these are of use?
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Is it ok to leave her in the tank with my other fish? - I do not have a quarantine tank. Update ..... I have just bought a small quarantine tank and filter. I now need to get a small heater aswell, thought I had a spare one, but haven't. Still not done those tank stats - will get the...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    Hi, thanks for your response. I shall take water stat measurements shortly and get these back to you. In the meantime, the sore does not appear to have any redness on it - neither on the edges or in the centre. There is no 'fluffiness' in it. There are no signs of any flicking or rubbing. Is...
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    Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

    One of my female Black Phantom Tetrafish has a white colored sore on her back. She has had it for a few days. Thinking it might be whitespot, I am currently treating it with Waterlife's Protozin treatment (we're on the day 4 of the 6 day treatment period). However, none of the other fish are...
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