Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish


New Member
Oct 15, 2008
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Manchester, North West England, UK
One of my female Black Phantom Tetrafish has a white colored sore on her back. She has had it for a few days. Thinking it might be whitespot, I am currently treating it with Waterlife's Protozin treatment (we're on the day 4 of the 6 day treatment period). However, none of the other fish are affected.
The sore doesn't seem to be improving on the treatment, and in fact it appears to be increasing in size if anything.

Anyone any ideas on what it can be and how I can treat it?

Please help as the fish is beginning to look stressed.

My tank is 125 litres. I also have 6 other Black Phantom Tetras, 2 Bristlenose Plecs, 4 Cardinal Tetras, 4 Neon Tetra and 2 Dwarf Flame Gouramies. (All are now healthy, but have recently been - successfully- treated for whitespot 3 weeks ago.)

I am trying to upload pics of the poorly fish - please bear with me as I'm new to this forum!

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Can you post your water stats please in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Its to big for whitespot.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Does the white sore have any redness to it around the edges, or a red centre.
Does the sores look fluffy in appearance.
Wounds that are white on the edges and red in the center are most typically Aeromonas. Those that are red on the edges and white in the center are generally Columnaris. Both are gram negative bacteria. The best treatment for this is any sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This can be put in the water and mixed with food -- if you can find Romet B use it.
Can you post your water stats please in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Its to big for whitespot.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Does the white sore have any redness to it around the edges, or a red centre.
Does the sores look fluffy in appearance.

Hi, thanks for your response.

I shall take water stat measurements shortly and get these back to you.

In the meantime, the sore does not appear to have any redness on it - neither on the edges or in the centre. There is no 'fluffiness' in it. There are no signs of any flicking or rubbing.

Is it ok to leave her in the tank with my other fish? - I do not have a quarantine tank.
Is it ok to leave her in the tank with my other fish? - I do not have a quarantine tank.

Update .....
I have just bought a small quarantine tank and filter. I now need to get a small heater aswell, thought I had a spare one, but haven't.

Still not done those tank stats - will get the measurements shortly.

When I've got the heater I can set the tank up, ready for any treatment necessary.
If no signs of flicking and rubbing I would take the bacterial root.
If no signs of flicking and rubbing I would take the bacterial root.

Both are gram negative bacteria. The best treatment for this is any sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This can be put in the water and mixed with food -- if you can find Romet B use it.

Did you mean this antibiotic? If so, any idea how I would get hold of it?

Thnaks for your assistance.
Whats your location for meds.
Not wise to use antibiotics in a main tank as they wipe the benefical bacteria out in the filter.
Always best to issolate a sick fish to a hospital tank when using antibiotics.
Whats your location for meds.
Not wise to use antibiotics in a main tank as they wipe the benefical bacteria out in the filter.
Always best to issolate a sick fish to a hospital tank when using antibiotics.

I now have a small, quarantine tank which fishy will go in, on her own, when I've bought a small heater and set the tank up.
When you transfer the fish don't forget to match temp and ph.
Just use the tank water from the main tank this way its not altering stats.
Uk anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
United states maracyn one and two.
Is he in the hospital tank now, of so hows he doing.
Is he in the hospital tank now, of so hows he doing.

As I didn't have a hosp tank at all to start with, I've been setting it up; I'm afraid she's still not in yet! Bought the heater for it today, along with other bits and bobs, and have ordered an airstone with pump. I have bought some antibiotic, which is on order, so now just waiting for delivery. We're setting up the tank tonight to get the main tank water in and get the temperature settled before putting poorly fishy in. She's still in the main tank at the moment. She's swimming about quite happily and ate well this morning, so quite hopeful. Hopefully, we'll put her in hosp tank tomorrow morning, when water temperature's settled and airstone/pump's been delivered.
Ok thanks for the update.

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