Odd Behaviour In Male Dwarf Sunset Gourami


New Member
Oct 15, 2008
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Manchester, North West England, UK
Hi all.

I've noticed a strange behaviour with George, my dwarf sunset Gourami. Several times daily he comes up to the tank thermometer, flicks his body against it, and knocks the thermometer against the tank glass. I only noticed in the first place he was doing this because of the clicking noise it makes as it knocks the tank glass. Now the female has started doing it occasionally too!

(I've tried moving the thermometer to the other end of the tank, and George still does it.)

Has anyone else come across this odd behaviour - should I be worried by it - or are they just playing?

(My tank is 125 litres, is well-planted, has been established for over 2 years. Water parameters are fine (Ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0, Nitrate = 20, pH = 6.8). I also have 5 Black Phantom tetras, 7 Cardinal tetras, 2 Bristlenose Plecs and 4 Amano shrimps in there. All are well and not showing any odd behaviour.)
they might be seeing their reflection and attacking " the trespassers"

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