Nasty White Open Patch On Black Phantom Fish

Ok thanks for the update.

Just to keep you updated:

Having waited days for delivery of anti-biotic, my poorly phantom fish is now safely in the quarantine tank and is being treated with said anti-biotic. It is the second day of treatment today, with 2 more days to go. She has not eaten today, but I'm assuming that's because she's not used to her surroundings, being alone in the hospital tank.

Anyway, fingers crossed she'll improve and that the wound will heal nicely.

(I did as you suggested and used water from the main tank, and at the same temperature.)

I will check the tank's stats later, and check that the Seachem Prime I'm using is doing its job of neutralising any Ammonia, Nitrites and other nasties that may be building up over time, as I believe the anti-biotic also kills off the bacteria in the filter.
What the name of the antibiotic.
Yes they do wipe beneifcal bacteria out in the filter.
Good luck.
Ok that good then treats gram and pos bacteria's.
Good luck.
it all depends as if its a nasty bacterial infection can be treating a while.
Hard to say really as sometimes you have to redose the meds.
it all depends as if its a nasty bacterial infection can be treating a while.
Hard to say really as sometimes you have to redose the meds.

Ok. May sound a silly question, but how will I be able to tell when she's well enough to go back into the main tank? She's looking more lively today, and ate a bit of her food this morning. Should the wound look any different before I let her go back?

And how would I know to repeat the dose - and would I need to let a no. of days go by between treatment courses (1 course is for 4 days, accordingly to the Furan 2 box).

I appreciate your advice. I've never treated a fish with this kind of infection problem before.
I would retreat.
Just follow the instructions on the med box.
Usually you have to preform a water change before you retreat.
Ok so one treatment last 4 days, does it say if you have to do a water change and run some black carbon.
I would retreat.
Just follow the instructions on the med box.
Usually you have to preform a water change before you retreat.
Ok so one treatment last 4 days, does it say if you have to do a water change and run some black carbon.

Ok. It does say that yes - I only have an ordinary filter sponge for that sized filter (v small filter), not a carbon filter. I've done a 25% water change, like it says on the med box, and put the fsponge back into the filter.
I tested for nitrite & ammonia yesterday - ammonia was ok (zero reading), but nitrite was present (1 ppm), so hopefully the 25% water change and the Seachem Prime I added will reduce that to zero also. I'll test again shortly.

I'll wait til the nitrite level is ok before retreating with the Furan2.
Don't leave it to long as if the bacteria still there you will just be starting all over again.
Good luck.
Don't leave it to long as if the bacteria still there you will just be starting all over again.
Good luck.

Can't seem to get Nitrite level down to zero, even though have changed 1/3 of the water (using main tank's water to refill), and have re-added Seachem Prime. Don't want to keep fishy in there too long cos of this.

Looking at the wound today, it has sort of fluffy strands on the outside edge of it. I don't know whether that is good or bad?! Does that mean it's healing?
Fluffy strands are columnairs.
Fungus can grow on dead tissue
When you are using bacterial meds and its knock the stats abit the med seems to protect them.
In the insructions does it tell you the ingredients.

Its a canadian med isn't it.
Looks like its an antibiotic and antibiotics can wipe all the beneifcial bacteria out in the filter.
Fluffy strands are columnairs.
Fungus can grow on dead tissue
When you are using bacterial meds and its knock the stats abit the med seems to protect them.
In the insructions does it tell you the ingredients.

Its a canadian med isn't it.
Looks like its an antibiotic and antibiotics can wipe all the beneifcial bacteria out in the filter.

Yes, that's right. Ingreds = 60mg Nitrofurazone & 25mg Furazolidone.

That's why I'm giving Prime - to counteract any ammonia, nitrites that will build up due to filter bacteria being killed also - Prime supposed to help with this. Howwever, nitrite level still higher than should be.
I would carry on with the meds now.
Just keeping doing water changes and adding the med back to the water removed.
If there plenty of aeration they should be ok.
I would carry on with the meds now.
Just keeping doing water changes and adding the med back to the water removed.
If there plenty of aeration they should be ok.

Ok. So I'll continue antibiot tretment, as instructions on pack - i.e. treat 1 dose, after 24 hrs another dose, then 25% water change, repeat this for a second time - so total 4 doses. Then final 25% water change & replace filter sponge.

And see how ahe is after this - here's hoping...!

many thanks for your conitued guidance.

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