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  1. W

    Quarantine Tank Media

    Hi, I have a 270 Litre Display tank with 60 Litre sump been running for 6 months now. I have an empty Orca 450 which I intend to use as a quarantine tank for some simple corals and a few fish on and off and as-and-when over the next few years. I would like to keep some media in my sump to...
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    Heater Question

    Raising the temperature does not help erradicate marine ich; It is only a fresh water solution.
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    Phosphate Remover

    I always have a bag of Rowaphos or Elimiphos in my inlet chamber since water is sucked into this area through the UV and pumped out to the next chamber, hence flow through the media bag. My phosphates are always 0 until the media requires changing. Cheers
  4. W

    To Kill Aiptasia

    Ok, so I've tried all the usual 'liquids in a syringe' but now it's time to start fighting dirty :angry: There's been lots of Aiptasia topics on the forum and they all usually end up with the advice to 'blowtorch them or soldering iron them' How exactly do you manage this? I took out several...
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    Test Kits

    new test kit ordered - will let you know the two sets of results!
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    Test Kits

    Having spent the last week dosing my Mg levels from 960 up to 1200 I decided to check my container of fresh salt water and found it to be at 1020 (D&D H2Ocean salt and 200L water made 6 days ago). However, I've just noticed my Salifert Mg test kit has an expiry date of 'May 2009'. :< Might be...
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    Let Me Have Your Opinions On High Nitrates

    What Nitrate reading do you get from your fresh salt water? What substrate is in the tank?
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    Deltec Mce 600

    I had similar noise problems with a MC500 I just bought. When I took out the pump and opened it up all the gunk that had been inside had dried out and set like concrete and was grinding away when the pump was running. Also, the pump had moved during its time in the post and was hard against one...
  9. W

    Koralias Very Noisy?

    I fitted a new Koralia 5 two weeks ago and it was noisy from causing vibrations on the glass. Thankfully it has got a lot quieter. I actually used a filter pad on the outside of the tank between the glass and the magnet for the first week to dampen the noise. Air trapped in them can also...
  10. W

    Advice Please

    :good: Sound like a plan - cheers
  11. W

    Advice Please

    I think I'll spend a few weeks watching the LR before I move my fish in. Tonight I spotted a hairy legged crab in one of the rocks. Rock with crab now in the sump and crab will be removed tomorrow one way or another!
  12. W

    Advice Please

    I'm not sure what to do really. I suppose if you get two weeks of no Ammonia or Nitrites and increasing Nitrates it must mean the tank is good-to-go: Or does someone out there think differently?
  13. W

    Advice Please

    Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a new tank - 267litre tank with 70litre sump. 6 days ago I collected 40Kg of LR from an established tank being broken down. The journey was 2.5 hours each way (the LR was very cheap!) and I took several containers of salt water at 26 Celcius. The majority...
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    Mechanical Filtration In A Sump

    Thanks for that. Out of interest, if you don't use a filter sock how do you filter your system? Cheers
  15. W

    Mechanical Filtration In A Sump

    After a year of an Orca 450 I'm setting up a bigger tank with sump. I have a typical 3 compartment sump with baffles/bubble stops and have the overflow pipe in the left compartment into a filter sock next to the skimmer and reserve heater. The centre section will be a layer of sand with LR...
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    Why Do My Snails Keep Dying

    Trochus snails are a good type. They can look similar to astreas and I've seen Astreas labelled as Trochus but they are very different snails! I believe Astreas originate from sea-grass areas and as such are only used to climbing up and down shinny green leaves not lumpy rocks. In the wild they...
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    Many thanks :good:
  18. W


    Hi all, Having had an Orca 450 for nearly a year now I've been given permission by the good lady boss to upgrade. My new tank will be 39inch long by 24 inch high by 18 inch front to back. My set up will be basically FOWLR with the intention of getting a few basic polyps, zoas, mushrooms...
  19. W

    She's Caved In

    Last September I got myself an Orca 450 and moved into the world of marines much to my wife's annoyance - how much for some bloody rock, etc!! Anyway, no sooner was I up and running then I wanted BIGGER but couldn't dare approach the 'one who is to be obeyed'. Over the months she has got more...
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    Cleaning Pump On Orca 550

    On the 450 this pump is on a pad with suckers on it. You just need to pull away the clear flexible pump outlet pipe from the elbow at the spray bar, grab the pump body and give it a good tug :good: