Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK

I'm in the process of setting up a new tank - 267litre tank with 70litre sump.

6 days ago I collected 40Kg of LR from an established tank being broken down. The journey was 2.5 hours each way (the LR was very cheap!) and I took several containers of salt water at 26 Celcius. The majority of the LR was transported in sealed buckets and fully submerged. Four large pieces were in a large box and each piece covered in a salt water soaked towel.
The water was 20 Celcius when I got home. The rock was put straight into my new tank which was at 24 Celcius.

After 2 days Ammonia and Nitrite were zero and Nitrates were 10.

Today, after 6 days, Ammonia and Nitrite are zero and Nitates are at 20.

Do you think that sufficient LR stayed 'live' and as such can process the die-off I did get so that I won't see a stereotypical tank cycle.

I'm obviously going to continue monitoring the water stats but what are peoples thoughts?

Many thanks
I have the same situation myself it is very possible you had very little die of and the tank will not cycle as such.

I am waiting a week or so and retesting then if all zero will start stocking :)
I have the same situation myself it is very possible you had very little die of and the tank will not cycle as such.

I am waiting a week or so and retesting then if all zero will start stocking :)

I'm not sure what to do really. I suppose if you get two weeks of no Ammonia or Nitrites and increasing Nitrates it must mean the tank is good-to-go: Or does someone out there think differently?
It's not uncommon for a tank to cycle so fast. I would say you're good to go, but if you feel more comfortable waiting a week, then go ahead.
you've already cycled :) Not a bad idea to wait a few more weeks to let the water age and the rock settle before you add anything. I did.
you've already cycled :) Not a bad idea to wait a few more weeks to let the water age and the rock settle before you add anything. I did.

I think I'll spend a few weeks watching the LR before I move my fish in. Tonight I spotted a hairy legged crab in one of the rocks. Rock with crab now in the sump and crab will be removed tomorrow one way or another!
I am slightly different toeveryone else :rolleyes:

If you had some rock that was out of water for two hours you will have a bit of die off along with a small amount of die off from the rock that was in water. Hence the nitrates at 20 - i agree you should wait a week, test a couple of times in the week and see if you have any increase in nitrates. Then at the end of the week do a large water change, leave for 24 hours, test again and if nitrates are <10 then you can buy or put in your cuc. Wait another week, test and as long as your stats are good add a couple of fish.

I have to diaagree with KJ :blush: about allowing water to 'age', this is an 'old reefers' tale and not used nowadays

All the best

Seffie x
ok :)

This was my thinking.

By allowing the water to age the chemical properties in the water stabilize, especially if most of the water was newly mixed up. Not to mention if you wait long enough you can kill off parasites that need a host...if they were on the lr, of course.
ok :)

This was my thinking.

By allowing the water to age the chemical properties in the water stabilize, especially if most of the water was newly mixed up. Not to mention if you wait long enough you can kill off parasites that need a host...if they were on the lr, of course.

Good thinking about the parasites but you would need to leave the tank fallow for at least eight weeks sometimes twelve

Seffie x
I am slightly different toeveryone else :rolleyes:

If you had some rock that was out of water for two hours you will have a bit of die off along with a small amount of die off from the rock that was in water. Hence the nitrates at 20 - i agree you should wait a week, test a couple of times in the week and see if you have any increase in nitrates. Then at the end of the week do a large water change, leave for 24 hours, test again and if nitrates are <10 then you can buy or put in your cuc. Wait another week, test and as long as your stats are good add a couple of fish.

I have to diaagree with KJ :blush: about allowing water to 'age', this is an 'old reefers' tale and not used nowadays

All the best

Seffie x
:good: Sound like a plan - cheers

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