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  1. K

    Heron Deterrents

    Have you thought about the SCARECROW sprinkler? This might also help. I'm surprised the heron isn't scared by your beautiful Dobie boy! :wub: (We have two Dobies also; a black and a red. Don't think we'll ever go for another breed as...
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    Goldfish Chasing Oranda Around My Tank

    Put the common goldfish in a separate tank or better yet, a pond. Let the fancies have the tank to themselves. :X
  3. K

    Wanting Barrel Pond.... N00bs Q's

    My questions are!!!!------ A. Preparation...... liner or no liner? For a Barrel I think you are definitely going to need a liner... B. Will Plants cancel out filters? What kind of Plants should i get. (no experience with pond plants) I use a combination of a top fall that has a biological...
  4. K

    Tank Temp Soaring

    Fill a ziploc baggie with ice cubes, then put it in a second ziploc to prevent leaks. Turn your lights OFF and float the bag at top. Used to help with my goldies! Good luck! -_-
  5. K

    Some Chav Threw Oil In My Pond :(

    I watched the page with Devvo. He appears to be someone with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I know personally what this is like as my adopted special needs son is FAS. Here's the description from "The signs and symptoms of FASD A baby with FASD may be born with a small head and...
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    Some Chav Threw Oil In My Pond :(

    My condolances to you all. It seems there is no safe place in the world anymore. I went to the website you recommended. I can't but help having flashes of "A Clockwork Orange" come to mind while reading it. Over here in the States we have gangs of all persuasions and mafias--California has...
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    Some Chav Threw Oil In My Pond :(

    Forgive me for asking, but not being a Brit, I'm curious; what is a Chav?
  8. K

    China Dolls

    Here's what I found on a Google search: The one advertised doesn't look particularly healthy to me...FWIW...
  9. K

    I Hate Herons!

    Here are the ideas I've heard about to get rid of herons: 1: A plastic heron, or pair of plastic herons. Move them every day around the pond. This will make the other herons think the pond is already "owned". 2: A plastic alligator head in the pond. Herons are scared of alligators, and...
  10. K

    How Do You Get Rid Of Pest Snails

    Goldfish LOVE to eat snails; so do Bumble Bee Gobys. If you have a goldfish in the tank, there shouldn't be any worries... ;)
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    I think Shubunkins and Comets tend to be less patient of their Fantail buddies because they are built to swim much faster. When I was a teen I tried having a Shubunkin in the tank with a Moor and Fantail. It invaribly (sp.?) would put its "nose" in the tail of its tankmate and push it around...
  12. K

    Goldfish And A Plec ?

    Hi Liam. For what it's worth, we have an 85 gallon tank that has 2 very large plecostamus, 1 synodontis, 3 baby koi and 1 shubunkin. Before anyone has a heart attack, the koi and shubunkin will go into the outdoor pond when they've grown larger. I have yet to see the mild mannered plecs or...
  13. K

    Comet Stock.
  14. K

    Coldwater Shoaling Fish

    :o Okay, I think it's time for someone to repost the picture of the HUGE goldie that was posted a while back. We need to get the word out how big these babies grow under proper conditions.
  15. K

    nowt to do with fish but for paul lol

    :crazy: Good heavens, Bribones! How did you manage to bash your foot that badly? Almost as bad as the time I pulled a heavy plate off the table (it was under a load of towels I was struggling with) and managed to break the vein. Felt the pain, but worse was looking back in the kitchen and...
  16. K

    Ranchu not eating

    George, are you sure he's losing weight? The reason I ask is that one of my koi, Sachi, my littlest, seemed to be not eating either, but she? has stayed healthy, even though she's a runt. I worried that she was losing weight also, but I think it was just because the other fish were growing...
  17. K

    The Heron/Egret Decoy

    The fake fish might just have a possibility, especially if the heron is hungry enough. In one of my recent koi magazines there was an article on an artist who painted canvas paintings of realistic looking koi in the pond. She was selling her wares outside one shop, and one of the paintings...
  18. K

    The Heron/Egret Decoy

    I agree the herons have a stately manner, but I know we don't want to lose any koi to them either. Things are FINALLY progressing on getting our pond installed in our backyard. We are going to have the steep sides to help keep them away. Our problem is that we live near a local nature center...
  19. K

    This is tacky !

    We used this for our son's very first tank. We were kind--it only held a betta. We figured it would keep a very young boy from scooping the fish out by hand since he could "see it" through the periscope... They betta would have lived fine if our son hadn't decided it was more hungry than freeze...
  20. K


    TF "we do not use feeders here in the UK due to it being illegal." Yank curiosity; how do you feed your carnivorous fish like oscars then? In the states they're also used to feed garter snakes... (I used to end up saving the ones my pet garter wouldn't eat. :rolleyes: I was glad to finally...
  21. K

    Help needed

    :blink: I don't know your weather climate, but most tropicals will not do well except in a heated tropical tank. Perhaps white cloud mountain minnows and mosquito fish; but 20 gallons is still going to be pretty small. Is the stone trough sealed properly? If not poisonous chemicals could...
  22. K

    God bless all Koi and their Keepers

    :wub: Wishing all Koi and their Keepers the happiest of holidays-- May 2005 be a year of crystal clean water, problem free equipment, and disease free days for your Koi. (God willing, 2005 WILL be the year of the pond for us. We finally have the design hammered out, if everything can just get...
  23. K

    Cold Water Pleco

    Your wife's fish appears to be a Celestial goldfish, (that's what they call the ones with popeyes like that), possibly a Celestial Oranda?
  24. K

    cleaner fish for a goldfish tank

    Snails are probably a bad idea as goldfish tend to relish them as a gourmet delicacy... :P
  25. K

    cleaner fish for a goldfish tank might have a bit of a problem. I tried once to keep an oto cat with a shubunkin--the oto was much smaller. It went missing quickly, so I suspect it was eaten. I think the best rule is to normally keep goldfish alone. (Though I should talk--I still have 2 plecos and I synodontis...
  26. K

    My new addition

    My guess is a telescope fantail. Sort of like a black moor but with the different colors. While not as easy to damage as a bubble eye (poor things, why did the breeders ever create them???) you will still need to be sure there are no sharp rocks, ornaments, etc. that it could bump into...
  27. K

    i have a pond

    Mosquito fish, white cloud mountain minnow come to mind...
  28. K

    goldfish vs. snails

    But of course, mon ami!!! Didn't you know SNAILS are a favorite goldfish gourmet delicacy? :rofl: Truthfully, I made the blunder of trying to keep apple snails with my goldfish in my teens. Came home a few times to find empty shells and happy, FAT goldfish... :lol:
  29. K

    Pond :)

    :lol: When you're age 3, or 2, or 1? Yeah, it's amazing what little kids will put in their mouths. My mom always had to clean out my pockets before doing the laundry as I liked to collect all the snails in the yard and take them for a ride in my play wheelbarrow. The ones who wouldn't stay in...
  30. K

    Pond :)

    here's a website with a picture: BTW, for those of us DAFFY enough to call them pill bugs when we were wee tikes playing doctor, they are very bitter and sour tasting. Koimom, with horrid memories from age three still lurking... :crazy:
  31. K

    Pond :)

    A roly poly is also known as a pill bug or a sow bug. Children in the USA like to play with them because they tickle when crawling on your hand and roll into a little ball like a hedgehog? does when threatened.
  32. K

    Fish pond and a bridge

    Would it be possible to use vinyl? In Southern California you can get decking, fences, trellis, etc. all made out of vinyl; surely that could be in the water? (Or would it leach some sort of nasty chemical? After all, many pondliners are made with vinyl...) :blink:
  33. K

    Virtual Pond

    :fun: Nice, Ryan, but how do you add the viewing window??? :whistle: Also, what if you want it to be a raised pond?? :rolleyes: And how about deeper than three feet???? :no: Guess I'm just TOO picky!!! :rofl:
  34. K

    WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? mystery fish.

    :blink:It's probably not, but my first thought was a Garibaldi Kribensis? How tired am I, anyway...hmm...
  35. K

    need help a.s.a.p

    "found with my new fish when added to a new pond ,dive straight for the nearest cover namely rocks its amazing the size of space they can squeeze into ,that also being the problem,sometimes they get in but cant get out..." :rofl: :lol: :rofl: Sounds like the little koi kids in the indoor...
  36. K

    One step closer to pond!

    After a TOUGH summer of caregiving my Dad 24/7, being diagnosed with CFS/Fibromyalgia, etc. ad nauseum, I feel thoroughly uplifted as we're finally getting things moving. The dying avocado tree has been taken out, the stumps of the ficus and lemon thoroughly ground down, the bike shed has been...
  37. K


    My son's 6 1/2 gallon tank with its 3 guppies has been doing very well. Used some borrowed filterage from old tank and managed to avoid new tank syndrome. HOWEVER, the plants we bought for it obviously had baby snails and now they're destroying the plants! :crazy: What tropical fish that's...
  38. K

    Picture of pond

    VERY NICE JOB! Well done! :clap: :cool: Hope it remains heron proof for you! I know I'd hate to lose any of mine!
  39. K

    The ups & downs of Koi Kids

    Remember, it's not MY pond, but someone else's. :P Mine hasn't been built yet. But I agree, the folks on the madaboutkoi forum have GORGEOUS PONDS!!! :wub: Also take a look through. One of them bred (breed?) his koi and has fantastic pix of the babies from just a few days old on up. Hard...
  40. K

    The ups & downs of Koi Kids

    Well, life got real tough with my Dad's surgery, follow up visits and all the extra caregiving I'm doing for him, so my poor koi got partly put on the back burner, so to speak! :crazy: Didn't get the filters changed in time and lost Fuyu, the platinum Doitsu to bad water conditions--nothing...