

Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2006
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hi guys, anyone know what would make a shubunkin start nipping at its tank mates (1x fantail 1x blackmoore and 1x common carp 1.5") especialy the blackmoore ?
How many gallons or litres is the tank, plus water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
I think Shubunkins and Comets tend to be less patient of their Fantail buddies because they are built to swim much faster. When I was a teen I tried having a Shubunkin in the tank with a Moor and Fantail. It invaribly (sp.?) would put its "nose" in the tail of its tankmate and push it around the tank. Needless to say, the Fantails were pretty annoyed so the Shubunkin went to someone's pond. I really believe Shubunkins and Comets need ponds to be truly happy. Fantails and Moors can stay in a sizeable tank for quite a while, but I remember someone posting a pic here of a HUGE FANTAIL grown in Asia, so they can get quite large as well with the best of care, housing, etc. Hope this info. helps! ;)

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