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  1. H

    Please Help!

    can u post pics? no i dont hav the cable! sorry! but its literally like someone got a paint brush nd painted some green onto his big claw! at the joint! ny ideas no? is it possible its a type of fungus growing on his claw?? :unsure:
  2. H

    Help Emergency

    good work :good: but if the fish is still looking bad after a while nd the damage is 2 gr8......den u kno wat to do
  3. H

    Please Help!

    Ive a male patriot crab (aka moon crab, rainbow crab, soapdish crab) Nd his big claw at the joint there is wat looks like green algae! nd he's bein pretty sluggish! where as the female is full of life nd perfectly healthy! ny ideas wats wrong with the male?? thanks! :good:
  4. H

    Fish Memory....

    i may be wrong but who gives a damn if its pasted?
  5. H

    I Hate You All (sand Lovers)!

    Very nice tank m8 ;) gr8 work :good:
  6. H

    What Would You Do With A 1,000 Gallon Tank

    i personally now this might sound crazy but id put 1 single pygmy rasbora into the tank (bout one of the smallest fish you can buy) nd ull probs never hav 2 clean out the tank :lol: :lol: :lol: all that water wud defo jus dilute watever dat fish produces! der ya go! :P :P :P
  7. H

    Big 2,000 Gal Tank

    Man.....jus 2 say first of all ur one lucky S.O.B :lol:. 2ndly for a tank that size i kno wat id do! take advantage of the size and put fish in there that u wud never normaly get a chance to house........ RED TAILED CATFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: it gets enormous man! defo...
  8. H

    Moving My Moon Crabs! Aka Rainbow Crabs Etc

    Yeah! ive noticed that before! jus cudnt get my head around it lol cos knowin wit fish theyd get some shock, crabs dont seem fased but was jus checkin if there was a proper way of doin it thanks for ur help!
  9. H

    Moving My Moon Crabs! Aka Rainbow Crabs Etc

    FYI the 70 litre is brackish and the 120litre will be freshwater! please help! thanks! :good: to move them i would pit them in a container which has enough water to come up to their gills. and a tight fitting lid, but not too big, you dont want it to get hurt. and do it soon, as far as i am...
  10. H

    Moving My Moon Crabs! Aka Rainbow Crabs Etc

    Hey ppl! i jus wanna kno how i wud go about moving my moon crabs! theyre in a 70 litre atm! and im moving them into a 120litre! bit down the road but am curious! cos i kno the regular routine with fish wudnt work! so im wondering how i wud let them slowly acclimatise to the temp change! FYI the...
  11. H

    Moving My Moon Crabs! Aka Rainbow Crabs Etc

    Hey ppl! i jus wanna kno how i wud go about moving my moon crabs! theyre in a 70 litre atm! and im moving them into a 120litre! bit down the road but am curious! cos i kno the regular routine with fish wudnt work! so im wondering how i wud let them slowly acclimatise to the temp change! FYI the...