Moving My Moon Crabs! Aka Rainbow Crabs Etc


New Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Hey ppl! i jus wanna kno how i wud go about moving my moon crabs! theyre in a 70 litre atm! and im moving them into a 120litre! bit down the road but am curious! cos i kno the regular routine with fish wudnt work! so im wondering how i wud let them slowly acclimatise to the temp change!

FYI the 70 litre is brackish and the 120litre will be freshwater!

please help!

thanks! :good:
simply catch them and release them onto the land area in their new tank and they should acclimatise themselves to the new water.
In store when we have them in thats all we do and they seem to be able to acclimatise themselves quite quickly
simply catch them and release them onto the land area in their new tank and they should acclimatise themselves to the new water.
In store when we have them in thats all we do and they seem to be able to acclimatise themselves quite quickly

Yeah! ive noticed that before! jus cudnt get my head around it lol cos knowin wit fish theyd get some shock, crabs dont seem fased but was jus checkin if there was a proper way of doin it

thanks for ur help!

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