What Would You Do With A 1,000 Gallon Tank

Fill it with milk and have a GIANT BREAKFAST CEREAL.

Or, position it under a skylight or large window put a couple of metal halides over it, 3 or 4 fluval fx5's or similar use pond soil and pool filter sand for the base, chuck in loads of plants and bulbs, 100's of cherry shrimp (would soon be 100's), loads of corydoras, few nice plecs and get some altum angels :).
Or, position it under a skylight or large window put a couple of metal halides over it, 3 or 4 fluval fx5's or similar use pond soil and pool filter sand for the base, chuck in loads of plants and bulbs, 100's of cherry shrimp (would soon be 100's), loads of corydoras, few nice plecs and get some altum angels :).

Sounds boring...

Fill it with milk and have a GIANT BREAKFAST CEREAL.

Much better!
i personally now this might sound crazy but id put 1 single pygmy rasbora into the tank (bout one of the smallest fish you can buy)

nd ull probs never hav 2 clean out the tank :lol: :lol: :lol:

all that water wud defo jus dilute watever dat fish produces!

der ya go! :p :p :p
i personally now this might sound crazy but id put 1 single pygmy rasbora into the tank (bout one of the smallest fish you can buy)

nd ull probs never hav 2 clean out the tank :lol: :lol: :lol:

all that water wud defo jus dilute watever dat fish produces!

der ya go! :p :p :p

You would never see it! lol
Fill it with milk and have a GIANT BREAKFAST CEREAL.

crunchy nut advert idea there!

me personlly would try to make a perfectly sustainable biotype with hopefully fish breeding to supply preds etc and live foods being in enough supply for everything. it would probably be hard even in a tank that size though.
Peaceful fish, tons of clown loaches (my favorite) not sure what else but I'd love to have a tank with tons of clowns to enjoy.
Clown knife. Not sure what else, as there'll be room left to spare, but I just love those fish, and wish I could afford a suitable tank.
1 male guppy 1 female guppy.........wait for a year............Then add pirahna!!!
Hmmm ... 1000 gallons ... so around 15'x3'x3' or 12'x4'x3' (if we're talking US gallons). I'd go for a brackish setup, with lots of archer fish.

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