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  1. X

    Pump Not Drawing Water

    cheers got prob sorted power head unit was not under enough water u live and learn am still new to this lol cheers
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    Pump Not Drawing Water

    its internal pump aqua and just been to the shop got new pump and still nothing??
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    Pump Not Drawing Water

    just cleand the tank put it back together and now my pump will not draw water cant see any blocages and the fan is spinning ??????
  4. X

    Water Gap

    ok cheers guys ..
  5. X

    Water Gap

    hi all when filling the tank how much water gap should ther between the filter runing water and water surface....
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    Test Results

    ok thanks
  7. X

    Test Results

    hi all just did my first water test normaly take it to shop are these readings ok ph 7.6 amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 and there was a high range ph whitch was 7.4 cheers
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    Testing Kit

    thanks for your help
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    My Angel

    had him 4 days and water is good just had a test neons and little fish in the tank i know he likes vto eat them but been good up to now
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    My Angel

    is ut normal for an angel fish to go back ond forth in the tank as i am getting dizzy watching him one side to the other
  11. X


    ok thanks it only last 1 min greedy fish i think lol
  12. X


    how often should i feed my fish all water ok some sites say 3 times a day some say once all my fish are small ish just growing up
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    Testing Kit

    Just got my water spot on and bought a testink kit cost me £36 how often should i test my water and what is the most dangerious thing i should look for that will hurt my fish is it amonia ph or what still learning am new lol...cheers
  14. X

    New Tank

    thanks just been to my local shop absalute aqatics in redcar cleveland very helpful and stocked shop and he said the same ..was told my water was spot on so i thought get a few neons said i had an angelfish and was told not to get neons as angel would eet them but ithought my angel was ok how...
  15. X


    Been down for a water test and all is spot on now thanks it just took time ........
  16. X


    ok cheers
  17. X

    New Tank

    HI have just got into keeping fish and am right into it and am thinking about a bigger tank i have a aqua one ufo 550 but fancy a real big tank only problem is only space i have for one is in my front bay window space where there is a radiator and would direct sunlight through he window cause...
  18. X


    Hi all had my tank now around 7 weeks all is good apart from my amonia level did a test and it looks like it is 0.1 it has been all week will it sort its self out when the tank matures a little more or do i have to do something to help it all the fish look fine 58 litre tank with around 11 fish...
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    Kissing Fish

    thanks got 2 yesterday and they are pink only got 58 ltr tank guess they will grow to big for it :crazy:
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    Kissing Fish

    hi what sort of size do kissing fish grow to?
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    What Sort Of Fish Is This?

    ok think i got it click the link hope it works
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    What Sort Of Fish Is This?

    Hi can anyone tell me what sort of fish this is and how big will it grow and is it a nice fish just got 2 for my tank cant remember the name of them but am a bit worried it will be a big fish i have a 58 litr tank cheers... mmmm pic dont seem to have posted will try and work it out
  23. X


    thank you for that helps loads..
  24. X


    when u first start up ur tank u do ur cycle is that for the filter to get bacteria and stuff or the water i dont understand because u can do a 25% water change every day if u like ??????then u loose the water u built up lol i may sound stupid but am new to all this and i find the best way to...
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    My Amonia Nightmare

    ok thanks for ur help
  26. X

    My Amonia Nightmare

    i have 7 fish 3 tetras 1 cat fish 1 thats looks like a gold fish not sure what u call them and a little looking shark fish dont have a test kit took the water to a shop have been changing water every 2 weeks but was using the gravel vac all wrong till today and got loads of muck up from the...
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    My Amonia Nightmare

    Hi all whats the best way to get the amonia level down its a tank thats been going 2 months with a few hardy fish in it its 78 ltrs fish seem ok but got the shop to check water today and they said amonia was a bit high ??????
  28. X

    Water Changes

    oops sorry i ment to say had the tank running 2 months now with fish in have done water change every 2 weeks but was not putting the end of the water changer(not sure what you call them)into the gravel i did today and so much muck came out of the gravel but i only did a water change yesterday...
  29. X

    Water Changes

    Hi all would it be ok to do a water change 25% 2 days runing as i have just realised i did not clean the gravel just stuck it in the water and let it come out then found out i should have stuck it in the gravel am new to all this lolall levels are fine apart from the amonia might have built up...
  30. X

    Amonia Level

    My amonia levels are a little high all other levels are fine had the tank going around 2 months any ideas how to get them down did a 25% water change yesterday am new to the hobby its a 78 litre tank with a few small fish in it cheers....