New Tank


New Member
Aug 13, 2008
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HI have just got into keeping fish and am right into it and am thinking about a bigger tank i have a aqua one ufo 550 but fancy a real big tank only problem is only space i have for one is in my front bay window space where there is a radiator and would direct sunlight through he window cause me probems?
Direct sunlight can cause algae problems. I've seen it solved simply by blocking out the window-facing sides with regular aquarium backing, though. The radiator is a bigger worry, since when it's running int he winter months, it'll likely affect the tank's temperature.
Having the radiator there will save you money as the heater will be switched off some of the time in winter. You will still need to use the heater to stop the tank temperature fluctuating. Before you buy the tank, put a large bucket of water there in the middle of where the tank would be and see how hot it gets. It will still get hotter than the aquarium would because it's a smaller volume of water, but if it gets really, really hot you might not be able to put a fish tank there.
It'll save him money provided it doesn't overheat - I had to move a tank because sitting over a radiator, it got up to the 88-90 while it was switched on.
It'll save him money provided it doesn't overheat - I had to move a tank because sitting over a radiator, it got up to the 88-90 while it was switched on.
thanks just been to my local shop absalute aqatics in redcar cleveland very helpful and stocked shop and he said the same ..was told my water was spot on so i thought get a few neons said i had an angelfish and was told not to get neons as angel would eet them but ithought my angel was ok how wrong am i he just keeps chasing them to ea!!!t You live and learn am new to all this but love it!!!
Made the same mistake myself, bought 2 marbled angels and put them in with neons. Most of them didnt last too long. Better rehome either one or the other

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