My Angel


New Member
Aug 13, 2008
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is ut normal for an angel fish to go back ond forth in the tank as i am getting dizzy watching him one side to the other
is ut normal for an angel fish to go back ond forth in the tank as i am getting dizzy watching him one side to the other

Not really, angels are quite chilled out fish, to the point of being lazy, except at feeding time of course. If this is not normal for your fish then there's something wrong. How long have you had him? Whats' his normal behaviour? Fish will start to dart back and forward when they have an itch they can't scratch, culd be flukes or velvet or some kind of parasite.

How many fish are in the tank? What size if the tank? Have you tested your water for amonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH? Any signs of a dusty coating, heavy breathing, rapid gills, losing weight, cloudy eyes?
is ut normal for an angel fish to go back ond forth in the tank as i am getting dizzy watching him one side to the other

Not really, angels are quite chilled out fish, to the point of being lazy, except at feeding time of course. If this is not normal for your fish then there's something wrong. How long have you had him? Whats' his normal behaviour? Fish will start to dart back and forward when they have an itch they can't scratch, culd be flukes or velvet or some kind of parasite.

How many fish are in the tank? What size if the tank? Have you tested your water for amonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH? Any signs of a dusty coating, heavy breathing, rapid gills, losing weight, cloudy eyes?
had him 4 days and water is good just had a test neons and little fish in the tank i know he likes vto eat them but been good up to now
angels are not suited to new tanks, if the tank is new and cycling then that would explain the angels stressed out behaviour.

can you please let us know the actual numbers for your water stats, not just 'fine' can we have the numbers for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

also what size is the tank?

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