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  1. R

    Red Bump (cyst?) Near Betta's Eye

    A week or two ago I went away for a week. The tank had a water change (at most) a week before that. It usually gets a weekly 10% change, or, if I'm busy, a fortnightly 20% change. I had someone come in and feed the fish twice that week. When I came home I found the tank was pretty dirty (a lot...
  2. R

    Betta Colours

    My fighter was love at first sight because he was all white, and I'd never seen that before! He only had a blue opalescent sheen. And a few dark freckly spots. His name is Frosty Monkey (as in Frosty the Snowman and Arctic Monkeys). He's now very PINK, and he developed a red spot on his lower...
  3. R

    Nitrite Spike

    Thanks - will they be ok? I was just really worried at how the fish were behaving as it was exactly what some new fish got once before looked like before they died. I did put them back and they survived the night and seem fine, phew. I haven't tested the water yet though. Thanks for putting...
  4. R

    Nitrite Spike

    Anyone? I'm new to this so I have no idea what to do. I tested nitrites again - down to 0.1ppm now but is that still too much? It's 3:30am and I'm still sitting here trying to figure out if I shoudl let fish into my freshly setp filterless small tank or put them back in the big tank with...
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    Nitrite Spike

    I set up a new tank 2-3 weeks ago and transferred my fish from tehir small tank into the new one. I also transferred the filter as it was a disposable stuck on the glass type. So I had the two filters running. I have been testing water condition regularly (every efw days) and it has always...
  6. R

    Advice On Future Additions Please:)

    Oops! I only just realised I originally posted I oly have 2 black neons when I actually have 5! Of course I'd never have only 2 schooling fish! Oops:) haha. Maybe I should get one or two more so I have the recommended minimum of 6. Well it looks like the next addition will be a pepperd cory. My...
  7. R

    Advice On Future Additions Please:)

    But should I get the same species of neons and cories or can I have different kinds? I love variety so would love to have maybe 4 rasboras or something, and then 2 cories of a different kind, and maybe even 2 more of another. But would they be happy like that? Or would they prefer big groups of...
  8. R

    Advice On Future Additions Please:)

    *bump*!!! Does anyone ave any suggestions at all?
  9. R

    Feed Them Live Blood Worm

    I tried that, my Betta (and other fish) went crazy for mossie larvae! And it's such an easy thing to do. The only problem is I haven't seen any larvae in there for weeks :unsure:
  10. R

    Advice On Future Additions Please:)

    I would like to add more neons and cories actually. I'm still trying to decide if I should get a couple more black neons or if I should maybe get 4 of another kind. I just haven't figured out if they would school together or not. I did see plain neons and rummy nosed's schooling together in the...
  11. R

    Advice On Future Additions Please:)

    Hi, I have a 65L tank, sparsely planted. 1 x Betta 5 x black neons 2 x julii catfish 1 x western pygmy perch 1 x mystery snail The tank is looking a bit bland and empty - all these pale coloured fish (white, black, brown, slightly blue, and the fighter is even pink - used to be white). I'd...
  12. R

    Julii Or Trilineatus

    I'd say you're perfectly right! I had to go back to the same pet shop today (only 40km away each way!) because the hood of my tank broke down. While I was there I asked about what species my fish were. The guy had absolutely no clue you could even get 2 similar species. But I did spot a little...
  13. R

    Julii Or Trilineatus

    OK, I'm confused. What the hell do I have? Supposed "Julii", they have mostly spots, some of which form patters. The lateral stripe extends the whole way but is sparser towards the front half - but it is composed of very distinct SPOTS, not LINES. Is there another species it could be? Not...
  14. R

    Mutant Fish!

    Don't suppose you have any photos? Would be great to see. I might try to take some of mine.. somehow;) I love all things weird:)
  15. R

    Mutant Fish!

    Well Leo seems happy too. I observed him a bit in the shop and he didn't stand out in any way behaviouraly. He's fit right in with my 4 other black neons too. He doesn't seem to have any trouble swimming either - he just looks a bit different. I wonder if he were in a race would he be faster or...
  16. R

    Mutant Fish!

    I was at a fish shop with a friend who was deciding which fish to buy when I got to looking at the black neon tetras... I have a habit of looking at fins to see if they fish are an aggressive bunch. To my surprise I saw a tail that was shredded! But then I looked closely..... :blink: A...
  17. R

    My Cycling Plan

    The more I read the more confused I am:( So many people hae said they just put an old filter medium in there and put fish in and off they go. If I do that, and have very regular water changes (say 10% daily) - my fish should be ok, right?
  18. R

    Do Small Tanks Have To Be Cycled?

    How big does a tank have to be for the need to cycle to arise? I have a 17L tank which I never cycled, my partner has an ~8L one he never cycles either. I now have a 65L (about 17 gallons?) tank and have been told it's small enough for cycling to not matter. I have also read another thread...
  19. R

    My 60 litre Tank

    My water conditioner bottle says how much to use, and says "... per 1 gallon (3.8L)". That's what I've been going by with everything! Inc. how many fish to stock, how many water additives to use, etc. I had no idea a gallon could be two different amounts of water. Why can't people just go...
  20. R

    My Cycling Plan

    The expiry on the bottle is 2010 :blink: It only states that it contains "selected natural microorganisms (bacteria)". I'd rather avoid waiting 4-6 weeks! I stupidly bought 2 cories who are now living in my tiny tank which was stocked to full capacity already (if not overstocked). I was...
  21. R

    My Cycling Plan

    I will add that the Bio Booster was on the shelf - which made me extremely sceptical as I would have thought bacteria would need the right temperature to survive. But I'd read here that people add bacteria to tanks and since that was their only option I thought I'd give it a shot. NOw I'm...
  22. R

    My Cycling Plan

    Ok so I bought a 65L tank yesterday, put new gravel and two plants (one new, one from my other tank) in it and filled it with water, added water conditioner, and turned on the heater and filter. I currently have a 17L tank running with fish in it and one plant. Today I went to a pet shop to...
  23. R

    Newly Upgraded Tank

    Ok thanks for the advice, I might try cycling the tank through and hope for the best. I just didn't want to waste all that electricity if it was for nothing! So now I just have to get my hands on some ammonia and a testing kit - tomorrow. I didn't realise yellows and dolphins were chiclids:(...
  24. R

    Newly Upgraded Tank

    Well I was thinking of leaving some water in the tank, but obviously not much so that it'd still be light enough to carry. maybe I could just leave some water in the bottom to cover the gravel and the roots of the plants and then just throw the filter medium into the bottom as well? The trip is...
  25. R

    Bettas & Guppies

    To my horror I found out one day that my partner had gotten a guppy to put in with his betta. After all I'd read...... But to my surprise they're fine!!! They don't mind each other at all. I think it comes down to the Bettas individual personality. I still wouldn't risk it though, even though...
  26. R

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    I have: 1 male veil tail betta 4 black neon tetras 1 western pygmy perch 2 julii cories 1 mystery snail The cories and snail I only got today, but my Betta snuck up behind them and kinda stared at them until they realised and swam away. He seems curious but doesn't mind them. EDIT: Betta just...
  27. R

    Newly Upgraded Tank

    Hi, I'm new to the forum, my name's Anna and I'm lookingf orward to hearing from all of you:) So background: I never liked fish and never wanted any. But then one day when I was working in a pet shop, a delivery of baby Bettas came in and I instantly fell in love with a white one with a slight...