Mutant Fish!


New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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I was at a fish shop with a friend who was deciding which fish to buy when I got to looking at the black neon tetras... I have a habit of looking at fins to see if they fish are an aggressive bunch. To my surprise I saw a tail that was shredded! But then I looked closely.....



He has a smaller tail growing dorsally just above his real tail. The end result is what looks like 3 top fins. He reminds me of a queen ant with wings.

I had to have him:) I've been wanting to expand my tetra brood anyway.

He shall be known as Leonardo (as in the mutant ninja turtle;))

Yes, even in fish one sometimes get the freaks...... I (honestly) once had a Guppy male with two fully developed Gonopodiums..... yet!.... he was the happiest fish I've ever had in my tanks......
Well Leo seems happy too. I observed him a bit in the shop and he didn't stand out in any way behaviouraly. He's fit right in with my 4 other black neons too. He doesn't seem to have any trouble swimming either - he just looks a bit different.

I wonder if he were in a race would he be faster or slower than the others? :lol:
Well Leo seems happy too. I observed him a bit in the shop and he didn't stand out in any way behaviouraly. He's fit right in with my 4 other black neons too. He doesn't seem to have any trouble swimming either - he just looks a bit different.

I wonder if he were in a race would he be faster or slower than the others? :lol:

My Guppy certainly was......
my local fish used to have a malawi cichlid set up and they had a fish in the tank which had what looked like cleft pallet<bottom lip crossed over and out to right corner and top lip was opp,,,he was fine other than that, still ate and lived normal,without being bullied,which is usual in animal kingdom,,,,he was something of a celeb :good:
ive seen a arowana with a extended lower lip so it juts up above the eyeline. feeds well just looks a little different from the other aro ive named him goofy, he looks pretty cool.
Yes, even in fish one sometimes get the freaks...... I (honestly) once had a Guppy male with two fully developed Gonopodiums..... yet!.... he was the happiest fish I've ever had in my tanks......

Don't suppose you have any photos? Would be great to see. I might try to take some of mine.. somehow;)

I love all things weird:)
Yes, even in fish one sometimes get the freaks...... I (honestly) once had a Guppy male with two fully developed Gonopodiums..... yet!.... he was the happiest fish I've ever had in my tanks......

Don't suppose you have any photos? Would be great to see. I might try to take some of mine.. somehow;)

I love all things weird:)

No sorry..... He had since gone the way of all flesh.... (I'm talking 5 years ago)

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