Nitrite Spike


New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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I set up a new tank 2-3 weeks ago and transferred my fish from tehir small tank into the new one. I also transferred the filter as it was a disposable stuck on the glass type. So I had the two filters running. I have been testing water condition regularly (every efw days) and it has always tested 0, or close enough to it, for ammonia and nitrites.

A couple of days ago I did a 10-20% water change and vaccumed the gravel while doing so. I also decided the old filter's been in there long enough and surely considering test results baacteria are flourishing in the new filter medium. Since the old filter was growinga lot of algae and was very dirty I binned it (it's still in my bin I think). I'm beginning to think that was a bad call!!!

I've noticed my fighter has been sitting on the bottom a fair bit which is strange behaviour for him. This morning I realised one of my cories was dead:( I instantly tested the water. ammonia 0. Nitrite 0.2ppm! Bad, right? So I did a 25-30% water change with a decent vaccum and also added some bacteria from a bottle (I doubt that stuff works but it can't do any harm right?). I tested the water again. Still about 0.2ppm nitrites, althought the test wasn't coming out quite as pink.

That was about 8 hours ago. I went out and came home to find all my fish moving very slowly and actually getting dragged by the very light water current.

I freaked out. I set up the old tank, switched on the heater, puit gravel in and a cave, filled with dechlorinated water. Bagged all fish and they are now in the small tank floating in the bags. Apart from one fish who refuses to get caught and is still in the old tank. But now I have no filter for the small tank (could use dried up old dirty one from teh bin maybe?) and definitely no bacteria there! BUt at least it's clean water.

What should I do???????

Help me:(

I'm new to this so I have no idea what to do. I tested nitrites again - down to 0.1ppm now but is that still too much?

It's 3:30am and I'm still sitting here trying to figure out if I shoudl let fish into my freshly setp filterless small tank or put them back in the big tank with elevated nitrites, where I know they're not happy...

which is riskier? what should i do? I'm considering putting them back in the big tank considering the nitrites have fallen slightly. but what if I wake up and all my babies are dead???
Ok what a mess.
I would add them back to the main tank and keep up with water changes and increase aeration in the tank.
If you decide to keep them in the smaller tank you will have to keep adding flakes food to the main tank to keep the bacteria alive in the filter.
Ok what a mess.
I would add them back to the main tank and keep up with water changes and increase aeration in the tank.
If you decide to keep them in the smaller tank you will have to keep adding flakes food to the main tank to keep the bacteria alive in the filter.

Thanks - will they be ok? I was just really worried at how the fish were behaving as it was exactly what some new fish got once before looked like before they died.

I did put them back and they survived the night and seem fine, phew. I haven't tested the water yet though.

Thanks for putting my mind at ease though.
Water changes, increase aeration as it helps in bad water quality, salt good but it depends on which fish you keep.

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