Julii Or Trilineatus

I have trilineatus - when I got them as immature fish, they had distinct spots, and a broken line down the side, but as they've grown, the spots have joined up into lines and reticulations, and the line down the side has become more or less continuous. But they are different enough that we can easily tell them apart, so there seems to be a lot of variation between individuals. Perhaps razberri you might have young trilineatus?

They're really cute anyway - I think my favourites of my fish :wub: .

I'd say you're perfectly right!

I had to go back to the same pet shop today (only 40km away each way!) because the hood of my tank broke down. While I was there I asked about what species my fish were. The guy had absolutely no clue you could even get 2 similar species. But I did spot a little sticker on a different tank (with no cories in it) saying "Julii cory - C. trilineatus" - it seems someone had a clue!!!

Mystery solved:)
Frank, baby! That was in no way intended as a jab at you!

I bought some of Frank's "C. longipinnus" last year. As they matured I did have questions about them. Frank was excellent. He had Ian look at his fish, and it was decided that they are not C. longipinnus. He contacted me and refunded my money.

We already know that longipinnus have found their way to Asian breeding farms with peppers, so the commercial lines are corrupted.

Many fish are difficult to identify without knowing the location of wild capture.

The only confusion regarding juli and trilis is created by those that insist upon identifying which they have without the knowledge of the source.

A trili can look exactly like a juli. A juli will never look like a standard trili.

Do a Google folks and you will see the varition. Planet catfish does not have pics in the catalog of all the variations of trili.

No matter how much the fish looks like a juli, it cannot be certain unless you know the person who collected it and where it was collected. Do it yourself!

Someday, perhaps Ian will visit California and look at my fish. Then I can find out if he thinks there is any possibility that I have true julii. The captors told my source they got them in the required location. I bought them as julii. But unless I can get them signed off on by Ian or an equally respected Cory expert, I will never be able to sell them or label them as julii.

Don't beat you brains out on a brick wall. :S

haha lljdma, I recieved a shipment of fish. One of them was pasatazensis with an eye mask and a dark body slash. But there was one with only an eye mask! I contacted the shipper and was told indeed some C052 had slippped into his shipment. I asked for more C052. He said he had 7 or 8 more, and would I be kind enough to take them all? I purchased them. When the shipment arrived I had a mixed bag of pasatazensis and C052! haha. I am delighted. But it is common for stragglers to show up in capture shipments and for fish to be mislabeled by experts let alone lps employees.

It is a hobby of some to inspect all new captures for new species! or oddballs.

I got some pygmeaus in that shipment on your recomendation, lljdma. They are delightful. Indeed they do have different behaviors than the hastatus.

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