Search results

  1. M

    Honey Gourami - Dark Fins and Belly

    Cool. Thanks! Hopefully one of the other Gourami's is a female then. Maybe introducing another species has given him the urge! :D Any ideas if it is possible for different species to inter-breed? Regards.
  2. M

    Honey Gourami - Dark Fins and Belly

    Yes, we have two Honey and two red Gouramis. The reds are recent additions, these were literally added over the weekend. Forgot to mention but recently the large gourami damaged his/her Pectoral fin (or whatever the long bit is called), which eventually ended up with some of it dropping off...
  3. M

    Honey Gourami - Dark Fins and Belly

    Hello! I've been away from this forum for a long time due to moving and other bits and bobs. I have a large Honey Gourami that for the past couple of days has darkened in colour considerably, and is blackish around the belly and fins. He/She spends most of its time in the top corner of the...
  4. M

    A quick recommendation

    Hi Dede! They are the best I've seen yet! But I'm still in that discovery stage of finding new stores. Next stop is the goldfish bowl in Oxford. Anyone been? Yeah the website is a bit confusing. There is a new store opening at some point soon, but the store I went to is at Harleston Heath...
  5. M

    Can a modern (mid 80s) floorboard hold 400litres?

    People. Awesome, thanks for the input! Semper Fi, special thanks for the offer! :) After a long chat with my other half we've decided to move our 125 Litre community tank upstairs. Which gives me room downstairs for my Rio 400 which I'm getting end of next month! Again thanks. Matt
  6. M

    A quick recommendation

    I managed to buy a couple more Brevis at the weekend, from a company called Maidenhead Aquatics in Northants. I can see why they got Cichlid retailer of the year in PFK. The moment you walk in you are confronted with a huge Malawi tank that looks awesome! The majority of their stock is Cichlid...
  7. M

    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    Assuming people here have ordered from them before, are they ok? Kinda feel funny about 'through the post fish'! Stock looks awesome!
  8. M

    Can a modern (mid 80s) floorboard hold 400litres?

    Ok, sorry if this is a bit obscure. Just wondering if anyone else out there has a large tank in a first floor spare bedroom or something. Not sure if my floor can take it or not.... Built mid 80s. Errr. Thanks. :*)
  9. M

    Atman External Filters

    Yes, MTS :lol: There is no cure!
  10. M

    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    Never seen any subspecies other than the one I've got.... maybe some at Trimar or something, unless someone can suggest a good retailer?
  11. M

    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    Cryosi thanks for the info. Acanthophthalmus Kuhli i think, if these are the ones with the tiger stripes. Originally I started off with six but found two dead :-( This was completely unplanned and unexpected, to be honest I thought they had all perished. Every so often (3-4 weeks) I do a 30%...
  12. M

    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    Yeah, I know their in there somewhere, but be damed if I can see 'em! :P I've got a bit of a mix, half the tank is rounded smooth gravel, while half the tank is sand. The Khuli was in the sand. The tank is Very well planted. Hopefully there are more. Does anyone know how many they spawn in...
  13. M

    Cloudy Water

    I'd echo what William has said. Sounds like a algae or bacterial bloom that you would see in a tank that's nearing the end of it's cycle.
  14. M

    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    Tought I'd do a little spring cleaning in my tank, clean a few of the rocks, prune the plants etc. The last thing I was expecting to see was a Khuli loach! Having bought about 6 over 4 months ago, and having found two dead and not seeing the rest for about the same amount of time. This was a...
  15. M

    Atman External Filters

    Hey Cryosi thanks for the info! For the price they look too good to turn down. I think I'll get one! ;) Cheers.
  16. M

    Game #7

    Are you Lamprologus Signatus?
  17. M

    Atman External Filters

    Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with Atman external filters? Kinda like Eheim Pro filters to look at but cheaper? Do they take the same filter medium? I've tried looking for a website but couldn't find one....... TIA.
  18. M

    Serpae Tetras

    I think they tend to squable more with their own than other fish. Although I have read they like to fin nip fish with long flowing fins etc. I think pondfreak is right. As long as kept in groups of 5 or more in a well planted tank they should be okay. Might have just been the tank that I kept...
  19. M

    Dither Fish for Brevis

    Yeah about that. Only a temp tank until I can get some more room. Ok I'll get some! Thanks! :D :D
  20. M

    Dither Fish for Brevis

    Any good suggestions on dither fish for a well planted 80 litre tank to be kept with lamp. brevis shell dwellers? Water conditions are quite hard pH is about 7.8/8.0. Sand & gravel substrate. Trying to make them feel more at home ;) TIA :D
  21. M

    Serpae Tetras

    I kept Serpaes a couple of years ago. I found them to be aggresive little fin nippers at times. I kept them with Neons and Glowlights and if i remember correctly they did tend to pick on other fish as well as quarrel amogst themselves.
  22. M

    What should aquarium water smell like?

    LOL. Nice! :P :D
  23. M

    What should aquarium water smell like?

    Not like I go round sniffing my tanks or anything..... I am trying to cut back.... :lol: :lol: Odd question I know. But thanks. Woz a bit confused for a bit.
  24. M

    fish game #5

    Are you a Cichlid of some description?
  25. M

    What should aquarium water smell like?

    Cheers folks :thumbs:
  26. M

    fish game #3

    Are you Corydoras Aeneus?
  27. M

    What should aquarium water smell like?

    Ok, sorry if this is a bit off beat but I've read in a couple of places that a healthy aquarium should have no smell. But in other places a slight earthy smell is good. My healthy community tank has a slightly earthy smell. I was just wondering what everyone elses aquariums are like? Cheers.
  28. M

    Lemon Tetras keep fighting

    I've got 9 Neons, 4 Bronze Corys, 3 Clown Loaches and 2 Gourami. Sometimes the Lemons will attack the neons, but nothing else. Everyone else seems happy. Think I might try a couple more Lemons. Thanks.
  29. M

    Lemon Tetras keep fighting

    In my community tank I've noticed over the past couple of days that my Lemon Tetras keep displaying and charging at each other. I have 5 in total, the smallest is not a colourful as the rest so I'm assuming she is the female, this one does not get attacked (as much). Capacity: 120 litres Ph...
  30. M

    Over shy Lamp. Brevis + Spiked ammonia

    Think my tank is still cycling as Nitrite has risen now. Fish seem okay though.
  31. M

    Over shy Lamp. Brevis + Spiked ammonia

    Would adding some substrate/water from my community tank help reduce ammonia levels in case there is a lack of bacteria? I've just read that using Ammo Lock can give a false result on tests using the Nessler method, so ammonia levels are in fact a great deal lower than what the test actaully...
  32. M

    Over shy Lamp. Brevis + Spiked ammonia

    Approx. 4 weeks. I assumed the tank had cycled after adding the correct dosage of Stress Zyme etc. for this period. I did a test just before getting the fish, ammonia and nitrite were at 0 ppm. No other fish. I've been using ammo Lock 2 but my lfs advised using Hagen Cycle Nutrafin which...
  33. M

    Over shy Lamp. Brevis + Spiked ammonia

    I had recently got hold of some Lamp. Brevis shell dwellers (thought I'd got two but actaully had three!). I had them in the tank for a good three days now. To say they where timid would be an understatement, slightest movement and they are back in their shells. BTW each has their own shell now...
  34. M

    Timid Shell Dwellers

    Ok, two of my Brevis dwarves seem to have paired off now in the main shell. They were displaying this behaviour in the shop. Hopefully they'll go in for some lovin' and breed! :wub: :o One of them does this weird side arching of the tail! However, the hitchhiker (see previous posts) keeps...
  35. M

    General Species Advice/Recomendation

    Couldn't find any Lamp. Signatus in the end. Did find some Lamp. Brevis though. Very pretty but a bit shy. Thanks for the advice folks.
  36. M

    Timid Shell Dwellers

    Some things make it all worth while..... Having thought I'd bought 2..... I now have three :D :D :D :D :D Must of been hiding in the shell?!? :rolleyes:
  37. M

    Timid Shell Dwellers

    Sorry after all my typing forgot to mention the species, Lamprologus Brevis "Ikola" I think. :*)
  38. M

    Timid Shell Dwellers

    Ok, panic over :hyper: just seen both. the smaller of the two was hiding in my rocks. :hyper: :hyper:
  39. M

    Timid Shell Dwellers

    I have just got a couple of shell dwellers. I watched the tank for a bit and noticed that one of them was pretty much living in a shell. The store keeper, rather than chase the other fish round with a net let me have the Shell (and enclosed fish) as well as another tank mate. they both...
  40. M

    General Species Advice/Recomendation

    Funny you should mention that but I was looking at 'Lamprologus Signatus' the other night. Although I can't find this species anywhere. Can anyone recommend an alternative species?