Atman External Filters


New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with Atman external filters? Kinda like Eheim Pro filters to look at but cheaper? Do they take the same filter medium? I've tried looking for a website but couldn't find one.......


this link will give the basic info!

I currently have 2 of the 3337 models, great to use easy and cheap, the medium is easy to get and you can use what ever suits you i guess! i buy large carbon bags and hex nodes fo the filter, and get a large sheet of fibre filter floss sheets and cut it to size for the top shelf in the unit, as i cant find any of the same size( not that i have had time to look)
they come with all the basics the only extra things i bought for it were some more pipes cut to size so when i clean the filter i can refit the pipes and clean the old ones at my own lesiure usually just after putting filter back.

for a price on these hunt around u should find the 3337 model for £56 ish and 3338 for £69ish pounds some of the online shops are expensive for a budget but worthwhile filter! not treid using eheim stuff on it yet but they have a diffuser which caught my eye and its cheap....

good luck .......if you get one let us know! :thumbs:
Hey Cryosi thanks for the info! For the price they look too good to turn down. I think I'll get one! ;)

good luck, i am about to invest in the atman 3338 for me tank and put the 3337 on the other 2 ft tank, the joys of MTS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i invested lol paid £63 for a 1200lph external ! cheap as chips ........ :thumbs:

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