Serpae Tetras


New Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Has anyone kept Serpaes? I have been looking at them for a while, and i've heard good, and bad things about them. I have neons now, and i hear that the Serpaes may harass them. -_- I have also heard that as long as they are fed plenty, they are very peaceful.....any suggestions?
I kept Serpaes a couple of years ago. I found them to be aggresive little fin nippers at times. I kept them with Neons and Glowlights and if i remember correctly they did tend to pick on other fish as well as quarrel amogst themselves.
That's what i've been hearing. -_- I have a spare twenty gallon at home, i might get five or six of em', and keep them by themselves. :)
We have 5 serpaes and do notice a bit of chasing and nipping. The don't seem to pester the glo-lights or neons, but love to play territory tag with the silver-tips and black-skirted tetras. Nobody has been overly bullied, no deaths, but the tank is 29 US gallons and heavily decorated. :D
I think they tend to squable more with their own than other fish. Although I have read they like to fin nip fish with long flowing fins etc. I think pondfreak is right. As long as kept in groups of 5 or more in a well planted tank they should be okay.

Might have just been the tank that I kept them in, was a bit small and I was new to fish keeping.


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