Over shy Lamp. Brevis + Spiked ammonia


New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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I had recently got hold of some Lamp. Brevis shell dwellers (thought I'd got two but actaully had three!). I had them in the tank for a good three days now. To say they where timid would be an understatement, slightest movement and they are back in their shells. BTW each has their own shell now.

I'm not convinced that they are eating either, i've read that they will accept most foods, but like brine shrimp the most. Does anyone have any further info on this? Any method of encouraging them out? favourite foods?

Secondly, my ammonia levels have risen dramatically to around 2.0-3.0ppm, with Nitrite at about 0.25ppm. I've been using AmmoLock to try and detox this, and last night did a 50% water change. I've not seen the third fish for a whild but see above, so I can't confirm if he/she is alive or not.

The tank is well planted with a mix of sand and gravel. Lots of shells. Ph is around 7.6, GH is about 15. Filtration is good with an Interpet TF2 all in one pump, heater and filter. Temp. is about 26c/79f.

Bit worried , what should i do? All advice welcome.

Matt :unsure:
Hi matt,

quick question first - how long has the tank been set-up, has it cycled?

any other fish in there?

Approx. 4 weeks. I assumed the tank had cycled after adding the correct dosage of Stress Zyme etc. for this period. I did a test just before getting the fish, ammonia and nitrite were at 0 ppm.

No other fish.

I've been using ammo Lock 2 but my lfs advised using Hagen Cycle Nutrafin which apparently quickly repairs filters etc by adding the proper levels of Bacteria. Can you use the two together?
Would adding some substrate/water from my community tank help reduce ammonia levels in case there is a lack of bacteria?

I've just read that using Ammo Lock can give a false result on tests using the Nessler method, so ammonia levels are in fact a great deal lower than what the test actaully reports! Anyone else had this?
Think my tank is still cycling as Nitrite has risen now. Fish seem okay though.

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