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    Small White Insects In Turtle Tank

    so are they harmful?? pictures of the turtles or insects lol?? the insects are prob too small to see on the camera. tank is 3 foot
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    Small White Insects In Turtle Tank

    Hi, I have had my turtles for about a month now and today i noticed some small white insects about the size of a pin prick crawling on the glass...there also also one or two small white insects which look like little sliters..... what is the cause of these??? will they harm the turtles?? BTW we...
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    Pop Eye

    Thanks for the replies all This morning he was a bit wobbly swimming so we put him into a breeders tank before we went out When we came back he had died :(
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    Basking Lamp/food For Map Turtle

    Hey all, Been doing a bit of research on these for my future tank and i have been wondering if this will do fine with a 50w bulb Also i have been reading and it says its gotta be 32c on the basking platform so anyone know how far...
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    Pop Eye

    Thanks for all the information I did a water Test today and ammonia is on like 1 >< So were gonna have to do a water change today i think
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    Pop Eye

    the fish is acting totally normal just has a big eye
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    Sick Cory, On His Back

    I have the exact same problem with my cory atm
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    Pop Eye

    I brought some myxazin today as i saw someone this is really good for popeye
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    Butterfly Plecs

    Hi I was just wondering what the best thing to feed butterfly plecs is? thanks :)
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    Pop Eye

    Hi, noticed today my jumbo ram has a buldging eye is this pop eye? the only other symptom he has is a small white spot on his back. is melafix any good to treat it as it says it does on the bottle. Also one of my peppered corys died today and the other one is swiming like he is very unstable...
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    :( Sad to say the peppered cory has now passed away :( Now the other one is doing the exactly the same thing.. rest of the fish are fine though :S I don't get it :S unless the fish shop had them for a pretty long time before i got them? :S Old age? :(
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    You Know Your Obsessed With Fish Keeping When...

    lol good ones on here Here's one for ya **When you go to the local supermarket to buy JUST A cucumber.. just for the fish**
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    How Does Everyone Do There Water Change?

    mines in my bedroom.. i have a en-suite bathroom but i wish i could do that lol
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    How Does Everyone Do There Water Change?

    how cool. 566 lol.. thats alot of buckets.. lol
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    How Does Everyone Do There Water Change?

    Silly question but how does everyone do there's? I can't do mine on my own cause every bucket i fill i gotta take out the tubing.. go to the loo and down it goes.. then i gotta come back and get it all primed up again Plus filling i i use the shower so i gotta turn on it. fill it up. try and...
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    oh :( well im sorry for not knowing :( i really didnt know they needed that huge space :( I know this is not a excuse, but the shop said it would be fine to have 2 so i got to.
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    think there both Pearlscales
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    in the 90 litre tank the corys are load a pick up of the golfish? what you mean?
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    ooo the corys are in the 90litre tropical tank the 2 goldies are in our 30 litre tank.. and i dunno if there called minnows it was a guess lol Corys are nearly a year old now
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    Live Blood Worm

    thats good then :) might get them some on monday for a treat :) might get daphina though :P
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    Live Blood Worm

    Hey all, Been thinking about the bags of blood worm they sell at my local for liek 60p and there's quiet a fair few worms in there Do you just put them all in? Just a curious question
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    crap i mean 30 litre tank >< And yeah we got 2 fancy goldfish in there. and i think there called minnow's the bloke sold us
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    Wow! Now This Is My Dream Aqaurium!

    I wouldnt wanna be standing there when a crack appears from the glass ><
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    I dunno if i could put it out of its misery, guilt would overcome me i think :( to kind hearted And i love our mini 20litre goldfish tank we got now too :P The gits at the fish shop said we could have these mini fish in our tank with the golfish *3/4inch big* But when we put them in there 1...
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    I dunno if this sounds bad, but its more sad to see them on there backings dying then seeing them on there backs dead :(.. But the other one is darting around fine but cant seem to hold its balace at times too :( I called them the oldies of the tank cause no matter what fish came near them...
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    nooo :( i love my lil cory's :( i tihnk the other one is on its way out too? old age maybe? both go them at the same time
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    >< i said to the misses the other day im gonna get some frozen food son >< he is spending the whole time on his back, but he isnt moving at all.. no doenst look bloated.. fish looks fine. no streaks.. and i cant remember the last time i saw him go to the little boys room just looked at him and...
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    90 litres fish are in a different room but a guess is 14. lile neons, cardinals, silvertips. ram, bleed hearts all stats are fine nearly a year for the catfish no we feed the tank every 2 days with flakes and catfish pellet
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    Small Catfish.

    Cardinals and neons was the first ever fish i put in my tank Not one dead and its been a year
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    right now one of them is still un-easy now the other is completely underside at the top of the tank not moving at all!!! I was watching him for a few mins and i thought he was dead but you can see his gill's moving ever so slightly, he is acting like he is dead And a sec ago had a quick few...
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    no there not lol and water stats are all fine
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    Unbalanced Catfish

    Hey all, came home from work today and noticed my catfish are really unbalanced.. both of them are pretty much swimming in mid tank but upside down.. or they just let themselfs float for a few secs then swim of again
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    no nothing like that....they are bigger than that and there are only 2 of them
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    2 white dots. look bigger then a lil spec.. look like 2 white heads lol
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    nitrite was 0 too.. nitrate was 0 everything was 0
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    looked again, i dont think the ammonia is 0.25. looks 0 to me.. The misses was the one who made the thread, i have took over half way through :P So i have looked at it and i think its 0 myself But looked again i mean i just did another ammnia test
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    well one sec, we still have the test we did today, il go have another look
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    Yep it does, says on the front :) Meh hope not, we havent had him long :(
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    yep, stuff we use is called Nutrafin aqua plus
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    yep filter that came with the tank and weekly WC's