Unbalanced Catfish


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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Hey all, came home from work today and noticed my catfish are really unbalanced.. both of them are pretty much swimming in mid tank but upside down.. or they just let themselfs float for a few secs then swim of again
right now one of them is still un-easy

now the other is completely underside at the top of the tank not moving at all!!!

I was watching him for a few mins and i thought he was dead but you can see his gill's moving ever so slightly, he is acting like he is dead

And a sec ago had a quick few secs spurt of energy but went back to the top
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How long have you had the fish.
Does he look bloated.
What do you feed your fish.
Swimming up side down can be the fish is dying, bacterial to swim bladder.
Bad water quallity, ph shock.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How long have you had the fish.
Does he look bloated.
What do you feed your fish.
Swimming up side down can be the fish is dying, bacterial to swim bladder.
Bad water quallity, ph shock.

90 litres
fish are in a different room but a guess is 14. lile neons, cardinals, silvertips. ram, bleed hearts
all stats are fine
nearly a year for the catfish
we feed the tank every 2 days with flakes and catfish pellet
To many dried foods which can lead to swim bladder.
You need some frozen foods like brimstrimp and frozen daphnia which is good at digesting fish food.
Green veg is good.
Always research the fish diet needs.
Not sounding good if I'm honest.
Is he spending long periods of time on his back.
Does he look bloated.
Any red streaking on his body or fins.
When did you last see him go to the toilet, what did it look like.
To many dried foods which can lead to swim bladder.
You need some frozen foods like brimstrimp and frozen daphnia which is good at digesting fish food.
Green veg is good.
Always research the fish diet needs.
Not sounding good if I'm honest.
Is he spending long periods of time on his back.
Does he look bloated.
Any red streaking on his body or fins.
When did you last see him go to the toilet, what did it look like.

>< i said to the misses the other day im gonna get some frozen food son ><
he is spending the whole time on his back, but he isnt moving at all..
no doenst look bloated.. fish looks fine. no streaks.. and i cant remember the last time i saw him go to the little boys room

just looked at him and he is breathing rather heavy now.. keeps having quiick little darts, then going lifeless agian

I might go to the shop in a min and get some frozen food if there stll open
Sadly it sounds like he dying to me, they can dart around and heavy breath.
Fish rarely make it when there upside down in the tank.
I would prepare for the worst.
Sadly it sounds like he dying to me, they can dart around and heavy breath.
Fish rarely make it when there upside down in the tank.
I would prepare for the worst.

nooo :( i love my lil cory's :( i tihnk the other one is on its way out too?

old age maybe? both go them at the same time
I love corys.
Mine died of old age they can live over 5 years, mine died when it was upside down.
They sound like there dying to me bless them.
Just make sure water stats are in order.
Corys are more prone to bacterial infections.
Sad isn't it seeing them on there backs.
I love corys.
Mine died of old age they can live over 5 years, mine died when it was upside down.
They sound like there dying to me bless them.
Just make sure water stats are in order.
Corys are more prone to bacterial infections.
Sad isn't it seeing them on there backs.

I dunno if this sounds bad, but its more sad to see them on there backings dying then seeing them on there backs dead :(..

But the other one is darting around fine but cant seem to hold its balace at times too :(

I called them the oldies of the tank cause no matter what fish came near them they wouldnt move :p i remember once when we had 2 gouramis and they was trying to get each other and the cory just waddled in the middle of the fight lol, was funny to watch
Fish signs when dying are darting, heavy breathing, sinking like there unable to control there balance, laying on there backs.
They sound to far gone to save.
If they look in a bad way might be kinder to put them out of there misery.

I love corys as there so cute, and yes they do make you laugh by there behavour.
They are the best fish I have ever kept apart from my tweety pie who was a fancy ranchu goldfish.
Fish signs when dying are darting, heavy breathing, sinking like there unable to control there balance, laying on there backs.
They sound to far gone to save.
If they look in a bad way might be kinder to put them out of there misery.

I love corys as there so cute, and yes they do make you laugh by there behavour.
They are the best fish I have ever kept apart from my tweety pie who was a fancy ranchu goldfish.

I dunno if i could put it out of its misery, guilt would overcome me i think :( to kind hearted

And i love our mini 20litre goldfish tank we got now too :p

The gits at the fish shop said we could have these mini fish in our tank with the golfish *3/4inch big* But when we put them in there 1 of the goldish bloody ate one so we had to put them in a breeder trap now we cant let them out incase they get eated :(
So you have a goldfish in a 20 litre tank, if so they given you terrible info on goldifsh.
What type of goldfish do you have and how many.

The first common goldfish needs 20 gallons then 10 gallons for every other one added.
15 gallons for the first fancy goldfish then 10 gallons for every other one added.
Goldfish are massive waste producers so need double the filteration to tank size.

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