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  1. Deagan182betta

    Female Bettas But...

    I was jst wondering coz iv seen bettas with goldfish got slightly confused. So i guess the females are on hold then :-(
  2. Deagan182betta

    Betta Fans How Many Do You Have

    Ive got 2 males so far. . . I cant bear to see them in tiny jars! Dats why i bought the 2nd one madarame ikkaku (thus named cause he has a huge flare just like the animé character,when he gets serious when fighting, of the same name). And ichigo the iceblue finned veiltail he is the older of the...
  3. Deagan182betta

    Female Bettas But...

    Wow its been a while since i last posted. well i have a bit of a problem. I was planing 2 hav a 22l tank as a community nd house females in it but that plan jst broke down abt 3wks ago when i went to my local pet store and saw a huge red and green viel x crowntail male betta so i bought him...
  4. Deagan182betta

    My Tanks...some Of Them Be Round!

    absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish i had more space and a whole lotta money.....
  5. Deagan182betta


    1 gallon should be minimum if im not mistaken, but don't try it... i've got a 2.8gallon for my betta(ichigo,see avatar pic) only...and a 4.8gallon tank as a community that i am currently working on. good luck
  6. Deagan182betta

    Aqua Bid Questions

    The aquabid thing confuses me as well. Im in south africa and id love 2 get some CT bettas. Bt there arent any here. I got me a paypal account but im trying to get as much info about shipping and costing etc. And i have send number of emails to 'the sellers' bt apparently my email address picks...
  7. Deagan182betta

    How Do You Prepare Peas For Feeding Betta?

    You are correct he isnt new i hav him 2 and a half weeks. Its not hikari its starts with an 'S'... He had sum ich but it has disapeard...i did a water change lastnyt a full water change...but he is active bt his colour isnt blue it brownish and his fin constantly changing from blue to brown...
  8. Deagan182betta

    How Do You Prepare Peas For Feeding Betta?

    Cant get to the name at the moment. Something betta gold pellets.
  9. Deagan182betta

    Betta Have Probably Had This Before

    A few bottomfeeders like pepperd catfish...maybe? Help maintain the tank and wont harass the betta.
  10. Deagan182betta

    How Do You Prepare Peas For Feeding Betta?

    He is currently in the hospital tank and when i get home 2day im going to do a full water change. He isnt eating or atleast he never eats wen the lights are on...
  11. Deagan182betta

    How Do You Prepare Peas For Feeding Betta?

    How do u prepare peas so that you can feed your betta with it? Cause my betta aint eating anything ... And mayb the pea would help?
  12. Deagan182betta

    Help Slow The Suction

    The divider idea sounds good. Use mesh material 2 divide it. And it wont effect the circulation of the water?
  13. Deagan182betta

    What Do You Think

    Drooool!!!!!! Why cant i get 1 or 20 of those here in South Africa?? Im super jealous
  14. Deagan182betta

    Help Slow The Suction

    here are 2 pics of the filter with ichigo stuck to it.
  15. Filter.jpg


  16. filter_top.jpg


  17. Deagan182betta

    Help Slow The Suction

    Yip i can get a pic. When i get home later il upload the pic of the filter with him(ichigo) stuck to it hopefully if he has not decided 2 visit the pearly gates.
  18. Deagan182betta

    Help Slow The Suction

    Waterfall type filters are covered in the pinned section...about the mesh should i put in such a way that the mesh and the filter are apart as if it were close it would just suck ichigo in again...and not chopping the rotor would help with the current? And will this effect the guarantee?
  19. Deagan182betta

    Help Slow The Suction

    Last night i tried cutting a plastic jar so that it covered the filter but then filtration was a problem. The filter works on a venturi system to airate the water. Unfortunately money is an issue at the moment so buying another filter is out of the question at the moment. Il try the mesh idea...
  20. Deagan182betta

    Help Slow The Suction

    Hi guys and girls. Hope somone can help me with a problem i hav wit the suction and current from my submerserble pump. When ichigo gets close to the above mentioned filter it sucks him agains it and keeps him there but he also does not fight it and wil stay there even after i chase him away 4rm...
  21. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Bad news! My 1 gallon tank sprang a leak during the night and my 22litre tank is not ready yet so im buying a tank this morning. The 1 gallon tank was the medical tank :-( . Crappy happening if ther eva was 1.
  22. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    We weren't hiding anything. Lol. Gud to know that we can be spied on lmao.
  23. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Eishwena!!! Mr venter. It does make me feel like an amateur. But i really like the crown tail betta but am content with my 'normal' betta using term normal loosely. Products are headaches down here in cape town not helpful though. Like Bettafin the owner of a pet store in ct lukd at me blankly...
  24. Deagan182betta

    Tetramedica General Tonic... Does It Work?

    Am i still doing the shorthand thing??darn... Tetra general tonic...thats giving it a wider berth. It says on the bottle 'treatment of the most common fish diseases such as parasites,bacterial infections such as finrot (thats why i bought it!), fish fungus, and wounds. Broad impact safe for all...
  25. Deagan182betta

    Tetramedica General Tonic... Does It Work?

    :crazy: today i bought tetramedica general tonic as bettafin i couldnt find anywhere as to help heal my betta (Ichigo) tail problem. Bt after about 2 hrs he starts layin all ova nd nt reacting wen i tap on the tank. So i did a full water change nd now he looks better but is tryin 2 get 2 the...
  26. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Big update!! Got some tetra medica general tonic 4 my betta to repair the tail problem. Bt he is swimmin around nd then goes and lays behind the heater the medicine is already in the tank. The tank is bare after the murky nd tail splitn. Bt his fins look longer im confused about this? Nd is his...
  27. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Wel its a small tank til i get a bigger 1 that i can fill with plants nd ornaments .it holds 5litres of water im not sure how many litres to a gallon. Im thinkn of getting a 30cm tank for Ichigo nd another tank as a community pref a hex tank as space is limited. Im gna do water changes every 2/3...
  28. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Thnx. Just did the 100% water change took the gravel out it was a mess. Wen i got hme from work the water was cloudy nd ichigo was hiding behind the heater and his colour was dull. Is 78deg f fine 4 him or should i raise the temp?
  29. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Thnx. I think he did blow it out coz i had a small mirror next 2 the tank. Bt im goin 2 do a water change wen i get home from work later. And another thing he has habit of eatin and spittin out the flakes then goes to the bottom of the tank nd scratching in the gravel nd eating. Is that weird...
  30. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    Sorry about that. Im so use to typing shorthand on forums. Pet shops in SA dnt hav variety only veil tails. I hav a slight problem when i got hme yesterday 4rm work i noticed dat Ichigo's (my betta) tail looked like it was splitting but his fins luk longer nd i cnt get a pic of him as he faces...
  31. Deagan182betta

    Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

    :angry: iv startd kpn fish again after a while... I hav a betta colbalt blue fins nd dark blue in colour has normal fins lng sweeping 1s. Nd iv seen on da net sum really beautiful 1s thats tails luks lyk spikes. Bt i luv my betta dnt get me wrng it would b nyc 2 see wot else ther is 2 offer. My...