Female Bettas But...


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
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Cape Town, South Africa
Wow its been a while since i last posted.

well i have a bit of a problem. I was planing 2 hav a 22l tank as a community nd house females in it but that plan jst broke down abt 3wks ago when i went to my local pet store and saw a huge red and green viel x crowntail male betta so i bought him and named him madarame ikkaku. But now i wanted females and my question is cn u kp them with goldfish,as my sister has a 30cm tank with 2 goldfish in, as i am busy prepping a 45cm custom tank 2 b divided into 2 or 3 so that i can house ichigo (my iceblue veiltail male) and ikkaku (the new guy,lol) and hav the 22litre tank 4 the females.

any suggestions nd any help would be appreciated
No! Goldfish are coldwater fish, and bettas are tropical, preferring the warmer end of the scale - I keep mine around 80 degrees.
Definatly cannot put bettas and goldfish together, one is tropical and one is cold water and they have totally different water requirements

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